Now that everyone realizes that the Christine Blasey Ford (aka “Stormy II”) allegations against Brett Kavanaugh are a complete sham, let’s say it loud and clear: Given the lack of evidence in this sideshow — and especially corroborating evidence — the allegations by Stormy II should have been ignored and Brett Kavanaugh should have already […]
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Few disciplines are more difficult for modern man than silencing his noise machine. It’s a machine that continuously floods the mind with thoughts of guilt, anger, the latest injustices he has suffered, and endless trivia. It randomly engages in self-debate and senseless chatter, blocking out all attempts to bring forth a meaningful thought. Many people […]
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As the lying, corruption, and craziness continue unabated in Washington, it’s a reminder of just how important it is to one’s sanity to embrace reality. Reality is synonymous with truth, but, as Baltasar Gracian, the insightful and pragmatic 17th century Jesuit priest, cautioned, “Truth is abhorred by the masses.” Instead of loving truth, most people […]
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Jimmy Kimmel made a great joke when he said, referring to Barack Obama’s bad economy, “You can’t turn around four years in just eight years.” Hmm … come to think of it, even though it had all the markings of late-night comedy, it actually was not Jimmy Kimmel who said this. Nor was it Stephen […]
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Watching the obnoxious but relentless Dirty Dems arguing the inarguable day in and day out is a constant reminder to me that the most time-wasting and exhausting activity in the world is debating someone who thrives on heated exchanges. An argumentative person is not only unpleasant to be around, he also can consume large chunks […]
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It’s amazing how some books continue to sell forty, fifty, even a hundred years after they were first published. In the field of personal development, the champion in this regard is undoubtedly Think and Grow Rich, by Napoleon Hill. The book was first published in 1937 and has gone through many iterations since then. In […]
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I was talking to my friend Bill a few weeks ago, and in the course of our conversation he happened to mention something about the business troubles Dexter Windbag (pseudonym) had encountered in recent years. I had no idea the guy was still alive, and had no interest in hearing about his troubles. Nevertheless, my […]
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Given the increasing intensity of the battle between socialism and capitalism in America, it’s time for rational people to focus on two issues: economic reality and freedom. All people of goodwill can certainly agree that freedom is a good thing. Where they can respectfully disagree is whether or not freedom is the best path to […]
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As stupid as they may at times seem, I often wonder if the Dirty Dems will ever become rational enough to realize that the underlying theme of their message — the fundamental transformation of America — will never again get them voted into power. Too many people who were taken in by the hype that […]
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The phony fear-mongering that has gripped the country since the election of the evil Donald Trump is a reminder to keep your head while those around you are losing theirs. There’s no question that life is fraught with dangers, but most are grossly overplayed. Take flying, for example. A large percentage of the population fears […]
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