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The Democratic Primary Derby

Posted on February 14, 2019 by Robert Ringer


I view the following candidates as serious contenders for the Democratic presidential nomination, not because they’re quality people — they’re not — but because fate has elevated them into the public spotlight.  You might say they are accidents of history. Joe Biden.  One-percent Joe has a real shot at the Democratic nomination, for no other […]

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The Democratic Primary Derby

Posted on February 13, 2019 by Robert Ringer


This is the first in a series of pieces I’ll be doing on the 2020 Democratic primary derby.  I plan to update it periodically, particularly when I see a major shift in the prospects of any of the candidates. I’m not going to include the army of no-names who have announced, or who have hinted […]

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AOC’s Success Formula: GND = SOC

Posted on February 11, 2019 by Robert Ringer


By now, you know all about AOC’s Green New Deal and have probably been splitting your sides laughing.  But I once again caution you not to brush her off lightly.  The reality is that this enthusiastic little bimbo is probably going to be around for another 50 years or more, so it would be wise […]

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AOC and the Moron Mob

Posted on January 28, 2019 by Robert Ringer


An acquaintance of mine recently asked me if I took media darling Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez seriously?  Without hesitation, I answered in the affirmative.  Let me explain why. In full disclosure, I admit I have a soft spot for AOC.  She’s an adorable little girl with sparkling eyes and boundless energy.  Sure, she’s undeniably a moron, but […]

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The Dirty Dem Auction Is Underway

Posted on January 22, 2019 by Robert Ringer


Those of us who were around to witness the big bang of the Victimization Trap are still amazed by how thoroughly entrenched it has become.  In the early going, it was pretty  much just a handful of hippies to whom no well-bathed person paid much attention.  I always thought the Haight-Ashbury kids were kind of […]

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The Morality of Individualism

Posted on January 15, 2019 by Robert Ringer


With child star Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and a large portion of the Democratic Party now openly promoting socialism/communism, it’s a good time to take a look at its polar opposite, individualism.  Liberals insist that individualism is a “selfish” philosophy devoid of compassion.  But is it?  To address this claim, let’s begin at the beginning and examine […]

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The Nauseating Return of Malevolent Mitt

Posted on January 7, 2019 by Robert Ringer


It puzzles me why everyone is so shocked that Mitt Romney came out of the starting gate bashing President Trump.  Anyone who heard his infamous attack on then candidate Donald Trump during the 2016 Republican primaries should not have been surprised. In my article “A Final Word on the 2018 Midterms,” published the day before […]

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The Capitalism and Freedom Connection

Posted on December 27, 2018 by Robert Ringer


Americans are easy prey when it comes to being distracted by the political theater in Washington.  It is this attraction to non-issues (e.g., the so-called government shutdown) that prevents them from focusing on the issues that really matter. Of course, people’s ideas about what constitutes freedom can vary widely, depending upon whether they view the […]

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The Dreaded Government Shutdown

Posted on December 24, 2018 by Robert Ringer


The average low-information voter, who depends on getting his news from the FNM, is trembling in his shoes right now because the life-ending government shutdown he has heard so much about has finally arrived.  How in the world can the United States possibly survive such a calamity? But let’s get serious:  Every reasonably well-informed individual […]

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Tucker Tells the Trump Truth

Posted on December 13, 2018 by Robert Ringer


In an interview with a German newspaper, Tucker Carlson undoubtedly caused a lot of Trump supporters to flinch when he spoke frankly about what he sees as the president’s shortcomings.  Right out of the starting gate, he stated that he intensely dislikes Trump’s self-aggrandizement and boasting. Tucker is not alone on this one.  Those of […]

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