Robert Ringer Archives
Horrid Hillary’s latest embarrassing moment came in response to Scott Pelley’s question, “Have you always told the truth?” Looking as though Uncle Bernie had rammed a cold metal rod up into that area of Hillary where the sun don’t shine, she awkwardly answered, “I’ve always tried to.” It brought back memories of that charming old […]
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The other day a friend of mine was lamenting about how bored he’s been lately. He said he couldn’t bring himself to work on even the most mundane tasks, because he felt everything he did was tedious. My experience has convinced me that this problem becomes worse for most people with the passage of time. […]
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Forget what you’ve heard from the media. Donald Trump and America were the clear winners of the Iowa caucuses. And while we’re at it, let’s applaud Ted Cruz and Ben Carson (and maybe even Carly Fiorina and Rand Paul for playing small supporting roles). Trump, along with the other above-mentioned candidates, gave the middle finger […]
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I am but a humble messenger. It’s the millions of Trump supporters who are robustly delivering the message contained in the title of this article to the conservative elites. But give credit where credit is due: The elites aren’t giving up. The National Review’s recent cover, “AGAINST TRUMP,” made that crystal clear. But it also […]
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Over the years, I can’t tell you how many emails and letters I’ve received from readers who have said things like, “I thought maybe I was crazy until I read your book.” They always seem to be genuinely relieved to discover that someone else has similar thoughts to theirs. This is really what the Trump […]
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Scientists tell us that human intelligence is the most powerful force in the universe. That’s right — not gamma-ray bursts, not black holes, not gravity, but human intelligence. To the best of our knowledge, man is the only compilation of atoms that is both aware of itself and gifted with the power to reason. His […]
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I normally don’t like to make predictions, but in 2008 I stuck my neck out — after Hillary was reduced to tears by a community organizer with no experience at anything except orchestrating protests — and predicted that she would never be president of the United States. You can’t take it to the bank yet, […]
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Though I use Donald Trump as an example, this is not meant to be a political article. Rather, it’s about two important aspects of human nature. Many establishment Republicans dislike Trump because they believe he’s more of a liberal than a conservative. But, in truth, he’s neither. He’s really a classic example of a hard-nosed […]
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It’s bad enough that politicians and media pundits have obsessed over the question of whether or not the word “Muslim” should be used to refer to someone who is a Muslim and has committed mass murder. But in the case of the San Bernardino massacre, the hand-wringing centers more around the source of Syed Farook’s […]
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Now that we’re in the early stages of cellular smartwatches, I thought you’d enjoy taking a trip back to the early 1980s and reading the first article I wrote about cellular telephone, a technology that the average person had not yet even heard of at the time. As you can see, the tongue-in-cheek title of […]
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