Robert Ringer Archives

Is Black Privilege a Problem?

Posted on June 2, 2021 by Robert Ringer


Ever since Jacksonville Jaguars coach Urban Meyer gave Tim Tebow the green light to try out for a tight end position with the team, racism flame-throwers have been apoplectic.  ESPN drama queen Stephen A. Smith added to his already impressive race-baiting credentials by insisting that Tebow getting another opportunity to play in the NFL after […]

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The Token-Opposition Party

Posted on May 4, 2021 by Robert Ringer


I didn’t watch America’s make-believe president give his “State of the Union Address,” but I did watch Tim Scott’s rebuttal the next day on YouTube.  I was disappointed, but not surprised, that Republicans chose Scott for the task. I like Tim Scott personally, but he is, at heart, a RINO.  Thus, he was a safe […]

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The Threat of Final-Solution Cancellation

Posted on April 19, 2021 by Robert Ringer


Cancel culture is the designer topic of 21st century America, but the truth is that it’s been around since at least the heyday of ancient Greece.  It’s the lazy person’s way to winning, because it requires neither knowledge nor persuasion. To the lazy person, the allure of sidestepping debate by simply shaming one’s opponents into […]

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An Early Look at the 2024 Republican Field

Posted on March 30, 2021 by Robert Ringer


I was sorry to see Kristi Noem join the ranks of 2024 Republican presidential prospects who have eliminated themselves from contention should Donald Trump decide not to run again.  Her non-veto veto of the South Dakota bill to ban biological men from competing in girls’ sports is an unfortunate blot on her record.  When you […]

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Center-Right versus Conservative

Posted on March 9, 2021 by Robert Ringer


Going out of his way to poke his finger in the eye of every America First supporter, Melancholy Mitch proclaimed that the GOP is a center-right party.  Calvin Coolidge must have been moaning in his grave over that one.  In real terms, of course, what center-right means is going along with Democrats to get along […]

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Totalitarianism Is Upon Us

Posted on January 9, 2021 by Robert Ringer


With the hysteria over the Capitol Building dustup Wednesday hogging the news, I think it’s important not to allow the Georgia runoff elections to be buried and forgotten about, because how a majority of liberty-minded Americans view what happened in Georgia will determine the impact it will have on America’s future. If conservatives and libertarians […]

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Georgia Is Our New Normandy

Posted on December 10, 2020 by Robert Ringer


I was hesitant to watch the Kelly Loeffler-Raphael Warnock matchup last Sunday, because I didn’t think I could sit through another Democrat infomercial posing as a debate.  I’m happy to say, however, that I was pleasantly surprised, because unlike the presidential debates, the C-SPAN moderators were actually professional and fairly well balanced with their questions. […]

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Choosing Division Over Democrat Unity

Posted on November 21, 2020 by Robert Ringer


How comforting it is to know that if the Democrats’ cheating holds up, we could soon have a uniter in the White House.  Okay, so Biden called the president of the United States a clown, told him to shut up, and fantasized about taking him behind the barn and punching him out.  But as senile […]

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What If “The Big Guy” Actually Won?

Posted on October 26, 2020 by Robert Ringer


President Trump’s unmerciful thrashing of Joe Biden in the second and final presidential debate proved yet again that The Big Guy is not a serious candidate.  He’s the grinning, Cheshire cat in Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, but with a human body and a cognitively impaired brain.  That the media mob is still trying to pretend […]

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The Wallacization of Fox News

Posted on October 7, 2020 by Robert Ringer


If there was any doubt in your mind that Fox News was on a trajectory to becoming a full-fledged, left-leaning media company, it should have evaporated after Chris Wallace’s brazen attacks on Donald Trump last week at the presidential debate.  Wallace dropped any pretense of impartiality and made it clear to all that he’s nothing […]

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