Robert Ringer Archives

George Will and the Clueless Establishment

Posted on August 21, 2015 by Robert Ringer


I almost never watch Chris Wallace’s Fox News Sunday, but I made an exception last weekend because I wanted to see his interview with Ben Carson. Carson, as always, was great. But I made the mistake of not turning the TV off after the interview ended. In a moment of uncontrolled masochism, I started watching […]

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Megyn Kelly, Queen of Narcissism, Gets a Pass

Posted on August 11, 2015 by Robert Ringer


Megyn Kelly is razor sharp, impeccably prepared, relentless, tough, verbally skilled, and, to boot, a pretty good looker. She’s also an egomaniacal smart-aleck who seems intent on following Glenn Beck down the path to mediocre celebrity status. When Kelly is on her game and acts like a broadcast professional, there’s no one better. She’s at […]

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The Zombieization of Humankind

Posted on August 6, 2015 by Robert Ringer


While at a conference last week, I stepped onto a hotel elevator one morning and was struck by the Huxleyesque scene that greeted me. There were eight people on board, compromising a diverse cross section of gender, age, and race. They included one nicely dressed black woman, who looked to be in her mid-forties … […]

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Posted on July 28, 2015 by Robert Ringer


Creativity is a trait we all admire. Original thoughts and ideas are valued highly in the marketplace. But most people believe that creativity is an inborn trait and is beyond their reach. They’re right about the former, but wrong about the latter. It goes without saying that some people are more naturally creative than others, […]

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The Polarity of Good and Evil

Posted on July 23, 2015 by Robert Ringer


Being a glutton for punishment, I decided to tackle another one of those subjects that causes people to reach remarkable heights of irrationality, anger, and hysteria: good versus evil. Perhaps more than ever before in history — certainly modern history — so-called evil is rampant throughout the world. Daily occurrences of unprovoked mass slayings of […]

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Immortality versus Nothingness

Posted on July 14, 2015 by Robert Ringer


I recently read an article about Silicon Valley billionaires who are intent on finding the key to man’s most elusive dream, immortality. Included in the mix are such high-tech legends as Peter Thiel (cofounder of PayPal), Larry Ellison (cofounder of Oracle), and Sergey Brin (cofounder of Google). These Silicon Valley giants are pouring vast amounts […]

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The Passing of a Real, Live Dirty Harry

Posted on July 6, 2015 by Robert Ringer


As you may know, the remarkable Kirk Kerkorian passed away on June 15 at the age of ninety-eight. His rags-to-riches story is like a movie. As I’ve written about in the past, one of my great regrets is not having made the effort to meet a number of people whom I admired, and Kirk Kerkorian […]

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There’s No Backup System for Life

Posted on June 26, 2015 by Robert Ringer


Have you ever given serious thought to just how ephemeral life is? I was reminded of this yet again last week when an important file — containing hundreds of documents and graphics — disappeared from my computer. Poof! Just like that, years of work vanished. Since Neolithic times — i.e., the era when floppy disks […]

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Thanks Goodness I’m Not a Cow

Posted on June 18, 2015 by Robert Ringer


The longer I live, the more fascinated I am by two things. One is how much control I have over so many issues and events. The other is how little control I have over so many issues and events. The reason I can control so many things is because they are, for the most part, […]

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Is Sex Overrated?

Posted on June 5, 2015 by Robert Ringer


I don’t recall the context, but some years ago a fellow I was involved with in a business deal took me aback when he said, “I think sex is the most overrated thing in life.” It was one of those comments that catches you off guard and leaves you mentally thrashing about for a response. […]

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