First it was the infamous Duke rape case. Then it was Trayvon Martin’s death, followed by Michael Brown’s being shot six times and left lying dead in the middle of the street in Ferguson, Missouri. Lots of protests and riots, but, in the end, the truth came out in court in all three cases. Now, […]
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In a radio interview some years ago, the host started out by asking me, “In order of importance, what would you say are the three most essential rules when it comes to making money?” Without hesitation, I blurted out: “Rule No. 1: Stay alive. Rule No. 2: Stay healthy. Rule No. 3: Stop losing money.” […]
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Here I go again giving Donald Trump free advice. This time it involves Trump’s being accused of acting as his own publicist under the pseudonym “John Miller.” Wow! Stop the presses — this is big. Not as big as Hillary the Horrible using her private slush fund (a.k.a. “the Clinton Foundation”) to sell State Department […]
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I have a feeling that most people don’t really understand what the transgender bathroom issue is all about. Obviously, it has nothing whatsoever to do with “civil rights.” In reality, it’s nothing more than part of an overall radical-left strategy to create civil unrest. (Yes, the Cloward-Piven strategy to collapse the welfare system and precipitate […]
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Mario Puzo, who passed away in 1999, wrote a number of bestselling novels, including The Godfather, Fools Die, and The Last Don. What I especially liked about Puzo was his legendary tongue-in-cheek interviews. One of my favorite Puzo comments was when he warned aspiring scriptwriters that the only way to get a fair deal in […]
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John Kerry (a.k.a “Bolt Neck” by the incomparable Chris Plante) upset quite a few folks with his open-borders comments in a commencement speech at Northeastern University last week. Allow me to shock you by saying that I, too, believe in open borders — in theory, that is. Human beings have an inalienable right to be […]
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Just when you think you’ve heard and seen it all in the Republican campaignathon, along comes prom king Paul Ryan displaying an arrogance that makes Donald Trump look like the Dalai Lama by comparison. Millions of American jaws must have dropped in unison when chameleon Ryan casually told CNN’s Jake Tapper that he’s “just not […]
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I watched part of the Cruz-Fiorina town hall Friday and have to admit I was quite impressed with both of them. It once again reminded me what I felt and said early in the Republican primaries, namely that Carly Fiorina might just make the best president of all the candidates in the field. Carly is […]
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Students at Indiana University-Bloomington recently went into panic mode at the sight of a Dominican friar, who they mistook for a Ku Klux Klan member. Funny? Yes, but also sad. It is a further sign of the state of our universities, and what is and isn’t being taught.For starters, let’s get this on the blackboard: […]
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In my previous article on reality therapy, I explained that the reality therapist does not believe it is necessary, or even helpful, to hash over the deep-rooted causes of one’s problems. Instead, he believes that fulfillment of an individual’s needs in the present, regardless of what traumas he may have suffered in the past, is […]
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