The Sufi poet Jalaluddin Rumi once wrote that even Jesus fled from the fool, saying, “I can make the blind see, the deaf hear, the lame run and raise the dead, but I cannot turn the fool away from his folly.” His words are every bit as relevant today as they were 800 years ago, […]
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Back in January, I wrote an article conjecturing that Democrat power brokers would soon be letting Joe Biden know that it’s time for him to step aside. The only reason they haven’t already done so is that they first have to find a way to get rid of Kringey Kamala. The question is, what can […]
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The most recent Real Clear Politics poll shows Joe Biden with a disapproval rating of 53.8 percent and only 41 percent approval, which, understandably, has Republicans celebrating. But before they pop the cork on the champagne, it might be wise to ask the question, who in the world are the 41 percent who say they […]
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The way the media is now covering the Hunter Biden laptop story, you’d think it was breaking news. But, of course, everyone — including those in the mainstream media who insisted for two years that it was nothing more than Russian disinformation — has known all along that the story was true. Nevertheless, no one […]
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As I listen to media folks obsess over the “slap heard round the world” at the Oscars, my memory takes me back to a 1988 “60 Minutes” segment about jazz legend Miles Davis. Davis’ ominous demeanor had interviewer Harry Reasoner squirming in his chair. There was, however, one thing Davis said during that interview that […]
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Unless I missed it, I don’t recall any Republican in the House or Senate, not to mention any potential Republican presidential candidate or conservative media commentator, addressing two questions that I believe millions of Americans would like to have answered: If Republicans get back into power, what are they going to do about the millions […]
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During the Democrat primary, I repeatedly said that Joe Biden was not a serious candidate. If so, how did he end up getting the Democrat nomination? (We know how he ended up in the Oval Office, but that’s a different story.) Allow me to paraphrase some observations I made back in May of 2020: When […]
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As all the world now knows, during oral arguments over Biden’s vax-mandate proposal, Justice Sotomayor blurted out a couple of whoppers that even Democrat fact checkers couldn’t let slide. First, she casually remarked that “the Omicron variant is just as deadly to the unvaccinated” as the Delta variant, which even the most hysterical vax-mandate advocate knows […]
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An insurrection is technically defined as “an act or instance of rising in revolt, rebellion, or resistance against civil authority or an established government.” Sounds like something Democrats engage in pretty much every day of the year, but the only insurrection they seem interested in — the January 6 political protest gone awry at the […]
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In 2016, the late Charles Krauthammer famously said, in reaction to Ted Cruz’s jaw-dropping appeal to the RNC to refuse to vote for Donald Trump as the Republican presidential nominee, “Last night what Cruz delivered was the longest suicide note in American political history.” Krauthammer was spot on, but it was puzzling why someone as […]
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