Robert Ringer Archives
I’ve written about The Big Lie many times over the years, and it’s more in evidence today than ever before in our nation’s capital. Shock and disgust over sexual harassment in government, Hollywood, and the corporate world is a Big Lie. Tax reform is a Big lie. Social Security is a Big Lie. Global warming […]
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Here it is, Thanksgiving again. I love Thanksgiving because it brings back a lot of great childhood memories — turkey, giblet gravy, mashed potatoes, five or six desserts … the Packers and Lions doing battle on our black-and-white television set … snow flurries … the long weekend … and, best of all, family. Most everyone […]
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What do the Dirty Dems’ victories last Tuesday mean for the upcoming 2018 elections? Answer: NOTHING! First of all, New Jersey is a hopelessly blue state and Virginia has been moving rapidly in that direction for some time, which is why I have repeatedly warned readers that I was skeptical the race in Virginia was […]
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The Radical Left never tires of making bogus immigration arguments, all based on a major false premise and many false sub-premises as well. The major false premise is that the purpose of immigration is to help those in other countries whom open-borders cheerleaders like to refer to as “your tired, your poor, your huddled masses […]
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I think it’s safe to say that nothing like the ugly verbal tirades aimed at President Trump by Senators Jeff Flake and Bob Corker has ever happened before in a major political party. Can you imagine a couple of rogue Democrats trying a stunt like that aimed at Barack Obama? They would have been banished […]
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During a recent interview on MSNB, the ever-nasty Tom Brokaw exclaimed that President Trump and “some people on the right” want “to destroy the prevailing culture in this country.” I hate to rattle your cage, Tommy, but of course Donald Trump and “some people on the right” want to destroy the prevailing culture in America. […]
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After an initial, kneejerk belligerence, NFL teams have shifted into damage-control mode and are doing everything within their power to make the ill-fated player protests fade quietly into the dustbin of history. When the money-hungry, toady team owners initially rushed to support their players, I was pretty certain they would change their tune once they […]
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Recent events have me wondering who, exactly, is Donald Trump? Is he a man of conviction who stands on principle in the face of being labeled a bigot, white supremacist, and worse? Or is he an unprincipled sellout who caves in to the Radical Left in order to curry favor with his enemies? Many of […]
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While it’s true that we live in a rapidly changing world, it’s important to recognize that the daily changes we witness are changes in form only. The real substance of our universe, and of life itself, is comprised of universal principles. These principles, also known as axioms, truths, or natural laws, form the infrastructure for […]
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Now that the Radical Left is in full control of the Democratic Party, it’s no surprise that spread-the-wealth advocates like Elizabeth Warren, Kamala Harris, and Cory Booker have jumped at the chance to co-sponsor Uncle Bernie’s single-payer healthcare bill. All of them like to refer to it as “Medicare for All,” which takes an astonishing […]
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