Immigration’s False Premises

Posted on November 7, 2017 by Robert Ringer


The Radical Left never tires of making bogus immigration arguments, all based on a major false premise and many false sub-premises as well.  The major false premise is that the purpose of immigration is to help those in other countries whom open-borders cheerleaders like to refer to as “your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to be free.”

Note to the open-borders crowd:  These words do not constitute a law — or even an official government policy.  They are nothing more than a couple of lines in a poem that appears on a plaque on the Statue of Liberty.

The author of these words — as well as the sonnet in which appear (“The New Colossus”) — was a woman by the name of Emma Lazarus.  As one would suspect, dear old Emma was a poet, not a legislator.

It’s not just that her words have no legal meaning, they do not even express the feelings of millions of American citizens regarding immigration.  On the contrary, they are the subjective feelings of one individual.  Thus, those who imply that they represent some sort of official U.S. policy on immigration are either uninformed or intent on misleading low-information Americans.

The reality is that no one has a right to become a citizen or permanent resident of the United States.  Even so, so-called progressives love to scream and yell about the rights of those who want to come to America and those who are already here illegally.  However, their viewpoint is based on the false premise that non-citizens are protected by the Constitution.  Sorry, but they are not.  The Constitution specifically protects the rights only of American citizens.

Notwithstanding the phony and pathetic pleas of Barack Obama that “This is not who we are as a nation,” the simple fact is that Americans do not have a moral obligation to welcome anyone into their country.  One can be sympathetic to the plight of hundreds of millions people around the globe who are living lives of quiet desperation, but that doesn’t mean he has to favor unrestricted immigration.

If we opened the doors to all those who are living in poverty and oppression in other countries, the United States population would quickly exceed 1 billion and the country would collapse into economic and social chaos.  Why would anyone who is concerned about the quality of life in America want that?

One time, loud and clear:  The purpose of immigration is not to help people in other countries.  The one and only purpose of immigration is to benefit America and Americans by bringing in men and women who can add value to the country and thereby improve the lives of its citizens.

The immigration policies of countries like Australia and New Zealand make it clear that they do not want the tired, the poor, or the huddled masses.  What they want are doctors, scientists, and engineers — and then only if they have a shortage of those professionals.  It goes without saying that wealthy people who can contribute to the country financially are also welcome.

Of course, the worst excuse of all for ignoring merit-based immigration is the desire to make America “more diverse.”  Sorry, but immigration was never intended to be a social experiment — and certainly not a lottery.

The “diversity lottery” is a very bad joke, a symbol of America’s decline into the depths of depravity and insanity.  And, as we saw with the recent terrorist attack in New York, it can have deadly consequences.

The claim that “diversity is America’s greatest strength” is the biggest of all lies.  The truth is that diversity is America’s greatest weakness.  We see this not only in America, but in countries like Germany, France, and Belgium, where far-left leaders have destroyed their once proud cultures with immigration policies that ignore the wants and needs of their own citizens.

As is always the case, when I use the term diversity, I am not referring to a person’s skin color, be he white, brown, yellow, or other.  Diversity is about a person’s cultural beliefs and practices.

The hard truth is that tribalism, which has been around since the dawn of civilization, is the underpinning of a civilized and peaceful society.  The reality that those on the Radical Left (and many in the RINO camp) refuse to accept is that people prefer to be around others who are culturally most like them and, the corollary, they have little desire to be in close proximity to those who are culturally different.

Using myself as an example, I wouldn’t mind at all if I never had contact with anyone in the Radical Left tribe.  Why would I want to be in close proximity to uncouth cultural zombies who are prone to violence?

When those in power try to force tribes with different cultural values to live together, it tends to engender hatred and violence, which is why the government should remove itself from the social-experimentation business and let tribes live separately and in peace with other tribes.

And let us not forget the scam known as “the Dreamers.”  The argument that Dreamers are innocent because their parents brought them here when they were small children is nothing but a diversion from the real issue that they did, in fact, come here illegally.

Granted, it’s not their fault that their parents broke the law, but it’s also not a justifiable reason to reward them.  To be rewarded for being brought to America illegally would give other non-citizen parents a huge incentive to continue breaking the law.

Finally, there’s the issue of illegal immigrants who commit violent crimes.  The Radical Left’s argument is that illegal immigrants do not commit any more crimes than legal citizens, which is irrelevant.  Just because some citizens in the United States are criminals is no reason to bring in more criminals.

As painful as it may be for Trump haters to hear, the final word on immigration comes from the president.  He, and he alone, has the authority to ban foreigners from entering the country, so long as he has a “rational basis” for believing they pose a threat to the nation’s security.  If challenged, of course, it’s up to the courts to judge whether or not his basis is rational.

In any event, one last time for the benefit of liberals:  People who are not citizens or permanent residents of the United States have no constitutional rights, and pretending as though they do is not only not true but downright annoying.

That said, why don’t we stop tiptoeing and tell it like it really is:  Bringing in immigrants who are low skilled, do not speak our language, and have different cultural values is really nothing more than a political scheme to add Democratic voters to the registration rolls.  And, at least until recently, most Republicans have seemed to be just fine with allowing the Dirty Dems to get away with this scheme.

As the populist genie that is now out of the bottle continues to gain momentum, it will be interesting to see if the Republicans’ colossal sellout continues.

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Robert Ringer

Robert Ringer is an American icon whose unique insights into life have helped millions of readers worldwide. He is also the author of two New York Times #1 bestselling books, both of which have been listed by The New York Times among the 15 best-selling motivational books of all time.