Robert Ringer Archives

The Sanctity of Your Mind

Posted on July 11, 2017 by Robert Ringer


Some years ago, one of my readers expressed his disgust with the fact that grown adults play what amounts to nothing more than children’s games and are paid obscene amounts of money for doing so. This all-too-true phenomenon is made possible by the fact that so many adults find enchantment in the distractions of false […]

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The Dirty Dem Fantasy that Never Dies

Posted on July 6, 2017 by Robert Ringer


The pundits and politicians keep telling us that Donald Trump’s tweets are “beneath the dignity of the president’s office.” Funny, but I didn’t even realize that an office could have dignity — especially one that was home to such scoundrels as Bill Clinton, Jimmy Carter, and Richard Nixon. Many, in addition to Mad Maxine, believe […]

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The Coming Breakup?

Posted on June 26, 2017 by Robert Ringer


Back in the early eighties, when I was publishing my newsletter The Tortoise Report, the thought crossed my mind that the crumbling American Empire might eventually break up into smaller pieces — similar to the path chosen by the Roman and British Empires. When it comes to maintaining control over your subjects, bigness tends to […]

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The Real Problem with Gun Control

Posted on June 21, 2017 by Robert Ringer


Predictably, the recent attack on Republican lawmakers by a deranged gunman prompted members of the Radical Left to drag out their same old, tired arguments for gun-control. Never mind that the nation’s capital, one of the most violence-prone cities in America, has some of the nation’s strictest gun-control laws. Facts are irrelevant to them. The […]

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Che, Alexandria, and the Radical Left

Posted on June 16, 2017 by Robert Ringer


It’s only fitting that June 14, the day of the Alexandria shooting rampage by a Radical Left extremist, was the 89th birthday of mass murderer Che Guevera. Che has long been a hero to the Radical Left, especially those lost souls who occupy — literally — our college campuses. To them, the American flag represents […]

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Thank You, Gentleman Jim

Posted on June 12, 2017 by Robert Ringer


The most overarching picture of last week’s Senate Intelligence Committee hearings is that Gentleman Jim Comey — the former FBI chief — came across as just another disgruntled ex-employee seeking revenge. He need not worry, however, because he’s a shoo-in for a multimillion dollar book deal and many high-paid speeches for years to come — […]

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The Power of Detachment

Posted on June 7, 2017 by Robert Ringer


Detachment is an incredibly powerful tool that I wish I had understood much earlier in life. There are many things from which you can detach yourself, and one of the most important is the habit of judging people, actions, and circumstances as being right or wrong, good or bad. When you are constantly classifying, labeling, […]

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Kid Zuckerberg’s Generosity with Your Money

Posted on June 3, 2017 by Robert Ringer


Wow! I can’t believe what a unique idea Mark Zuckerberg came up with last week: “universal basic income” for all. The thought of everyone sitting around all day and kibitzing about global warming, methods for shutting down free speech, and a world without borders is enough to make one quit his job and head for […]

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Healthcare: A Manufactured Right

Posted on May 30, 2017 by Robert Ringer


Here’s how the game of life works: People want stuff — a lot of stuff — but they realize they will never make enough money to buy most of the stuff they desire. This isn’t earthshaking news, just a normal part of life. When it starts to become somewhat problematic is when people are given […]

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Are You Willing to Fight for Your Freedom?

Posted on May 22, 2017 by Robert Ringer


As far as I can tell, the Trump-Russia collusion story appears to be nothing more than a desperate attempt by Donald Trump’s enemies (both Democratic and Republican) to distract from his impressive accomplishments to date. If Robert Mueller comes up with some hard facts that indicate otherwise, then it’s a different story.  But at this […]

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