Robert Ringer Archives
This article was originally published on March 14, 2014. It was important to me to share it with you again on this 20th anniversary date. The day Robert J. Ringer, Jr. was born was one of those handful of joyous times that stay with you all your life. Millions of men would like to have […]
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Let us not forget that Mitt Romney is not alone in his sanctimonious crusade against President Trump. A number of other Republicans — including Marco Rubio, Rob Portman, Joni Ernst, Lamar Alexander, and Ben Sasse — have made CYA comments indicating that Trump did something “inappropriate” on his call with Ukrainian president Zelensky. To straddle […]
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The most frustrating thing about the latest Democratic thespian production in Washington is not Pencil Neck’s nonstop lies, Dunkin’ Doughnuts mascot Jerry Nadler’s accusations of a coverup-in-the-making by Republican senators, or the vile histrionics of Hakeem Jeffries. The most frustrating thing not only about the current fake impeachment trial, but all other fake crises created […]
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As you are undoubtedly aware, Uncle Bernie’s minions are threatening to burn down cities if their favorite commie doesn’t get the Democratic nomination. A Project Veritas undercover video features a man by the name of Kyle Jurek, described by Sanders’ Iowa field director as one of the campaign’s “top tier organizers,” saying, “F…ing cities burn” […]
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Unbeknownst to media hacks and fake pollsters, Donald Trump long ago clinched the 2020 election. The Democrats’ impeachment farce only served to put an exclamation point on the reality that the 2020 race is over. All the talk about Joker Joe, Horrible Hillary, Malicious Michelle, et al is nothing more than hype intended to keep […]
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As everyone expected, Greta Thunberg, 16-year-old Swedish teenager, was chosen as Time magazine’s Person of the Year. Greta is a young lady who has taken a considerable amount of abuse from climate-change skeptics, which is very sad given that she purportedly suffers from Asperger’s Syndrome, a challenging disorder usually caused by an injury to the […]
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We now know what the perfect definition of panic is: Nervous Nancy babbling about praying for Donald Trump (eye roll), angrily scolding a reporter for asking her if she hates Donald Trump and sermonizing about how she’s incapable of hating because of her devout Catholic beliefs (double eye roll), and expounding on the writings of […]
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Well, here we are, pretty much where everyone with half a brain expected us to be —Nancy Pelosi with only two choices: death by hanging or death by firing squad. If she backs down on impeaching President Trump, her radical-left base will go crazy. If she moves forward with impeachment in the face of zero […]
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As we prepare for another Democratic giveaway debate tonight, it’s interesting to observe the torment that surviving Radical Left candidates are experiencing. All of them (with the possible exception of Uncle Bernie) realize that a majority of Americans reject the silliness they’re peddling, but they’re fearful that the Radical Left base will abandon them if […]
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For decades I have been cautioning conservatives to be vigilant about not becoming ensnared in the false-premise trap, but they have rarely taken my advice. Nevertheless, being a glutton for punishment, I’m hoping some Republican Senate and House members read this article and think long and hard about how to react to the criminal behavior […]
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