The Dems’ Primary Objective

Posted on December 10, 2019 by Robert Ringer


We now know what the perfect definition of panic is:  Nervous Nancy babbling about praying for Donald Trump (eye roll), angrily scolding a reporter for asking her if she hates Donald Trump and sermonizing about how she’s incapable of hating because of her devout Catholic beliefs (double eye roll), and expounding on the writings of the Founding Fathers (triple eye roll).  Nancy is Cher without the talent.

I shan’t deny that my Schadenfreude cup runneth over when I watch the villainous House speaker having a nervous breakdown on live TV, but I also find it to be very sad.  The woman has dug herself a deep hole from which there is no injury-free exit, compliments of a moronic 30-year-old ex-bartender and her gaggle of Radical Left screwballs.  Amazingly, Nancy apparently didn’t understand that placating low-IQ mobs has consequences. 

While feigning toughness (“Grrr … Don’t mess with me.”), the truth is that Nancy has not had the courage to stand up to the emotionally unstable Radical Lefties in her own party who, like so many other revolutionaries before them, want to tear down America and create another USSR, Cuba, or Venezuela in its place.  Now, however, it appears she finally realizes she made a terrible mistake and that, as a result, the wheels are coming off the impeachment wagon.  In fact, the wagon is about to go over the cliff.

Clearly, Nancy wants to get the impeachment farce out of the news as quickly as possible, cut the Dems’ humiliation short, and hope people will forget about the whole mess before the 2020 election.  In the meantime, she will try to pivot to other issues in an effort to convince voters that the Dirty Dems really do care about such mundane issues as healthcare and jobs.

Unfortunately, Nancy’s first shot out of the starting gate was climate change, which is going to be yet another problem for her given that a majority of voters have little interest in the subject.  More to the point, a majority of voters believe climate change as an “existential threat” to mankind’s survival is a scam.  And with temperatures plummeting to record lows from coast to coast and polar bears thriving in increased numbers at the North Pole, it’s becoming an increasingly hard sell.

Nevertheless, Nancy’s sudden, feigned interest in ideas that appeal to voters would seem to be a good first step toward climbing out of the deep hole she has dug for herself and her partners in crime.  Maybe, but it’s not nearly enough.  With their impeachment fantasies shattered, what Democrats really need to do is sober up, forget about a quick victory, and create a serious, long-term plan for appealing to the wants and needs of middle-class voters — with an emphasis on the word serious.

But will they do it?  The answer is no, they will not.  Hate and anger are blinding emotional states, and the Dirty Dems are so saturated with these self-destructive emotions that, as I stated in my article “What Happens Now?” I don’t believe they will be willing to work on a rational agenda to regain voters’ trust.

In fact, as more and more African-Americans and Hispanics gravitate to the Republican Party in Trump’s second term, Democratic hate, anger, and panic will lead to ever-increasing defiance of the Constitution and the rule of law.  If you doubt this, keep in mind that in Jerry Nadler’s farcical impeachment hearings, Noah Feldman, a Radical Left constitutional law professor, stated, with a straight face, that Trump’s tweeting about Barack Obama spying on his campaign was an impeachable offense!

Notwithstanding the Dirty Dems’ absurd theatrics, Donald Trump is assured of being reelected in 2020.  Even most Democrats now understand this, with some being so bold as to insist that his certain reelection is the very reason why he must be impeached.  From Mean Al Green to Adam the Frog, allowing voters to decide who they want to be their president is unthinkable to Democrats and Never Trumpers.  If fact, Mean Al took it a step further and declared that there is no limit to the number of times Democrats can impeach the president.

Maybe so, Mean Al, but, as Joker Joe would say, here’s the deal:  Crassness is not a crime.  Vulgarity is not a crime.  Infidelity is not a crime.  Tweeting is not a crime.  Demanding that NATO allies pay their dues is not a crime.  Ignoring the advice of deep-state bureaucrats is not a crime.  Asking foreign powers to root out corruption is not a crime.  Owning a luxury hotel near the White House is not a crime.  Standing up to China is not a crime.  Supporting Israel is not a crime.  Even inarticulate speech and buffoonism are not crimes.

C’mon, guys, wise up.  You’ve tried Michael Cohen, Stormy Daniels, the Logan Act, the 25th Amendment, the emoluments clause, the Russia-collusion hoax, Trump’s medical unfitness, Trump’s mental unfitness — even Melania’s shoes and jacket!  Psst … nothing has worked.  We know you hate Mr. Orange, but the reality is that he’s going to be your president for the next five years, so it makes much more sense to spend your time regrouping and creating a serious strategy for 2024.

Sure, you can impeach Donald Trump, but, as everyone knows, the chances of his being convicted by the Senate are zero.  Yes, a few Never Trumpers like Romney, Murkowski, and Collins might vote to convict, but that’s not going to suddenly turn voters against the man whose policies have led to the greatest economy in U.S. history.

As I said in my last article, the “legal coup” against Donald Trump will continue throughout his second term.  In fact, it will accelerate.  It’s a death wish that I doubt even a master exorcist could purge from the warped psyches of Dirty Dems and Never Trumpers.

Having said this, I once again caution you not to fall into the trap of believing that Donald Trump is the sole focus of the pitchfork crowd.  News flash:  They hate you even more than they hate him, because you helped make it possible for him to become the leader of the free world.  They are well aware of the fact that even though Trump will be gone in five years, they will still have to deal with you — and they really do hate you for that.

Let’s face it, what Democrats really want is to find a way to shut down elections entirely — by any means necessary.  If that means brainwashing children from kindergarten on, so be it.  If it means passing legislation to bypass elections altogether, so be it.  If it means armed revolution, so be it.

Make no mistake about it, no matter how many other things they claim to be upset about, the Dirty Dems’ primary objective is to eliminate your vote.

Wall Street legend warns 'A strange day is coming'
Robert Ringer

Robert Ringer is an American icon whose unique insights into life have helped millions of readers worldwide. He is also the author of two New York Times #1 bestselling books, both of which have been listed by The New York Times among the 15 best-selling motivational books of all time.