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Do Something About It!

Posted on July 24, 2023 by Robert Ringer


Many articles have been written over the years about the possibility of a national divorce whereby red states and blue states would go their separate ways.  I’ve always wanted to believe that such a scenario could be avoided, but the odds of it happening are increasing by the day.  The House Oversight Committee’s hearings on […]

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Choosing Assimilation Over Reparations

Posted on July 17, 2023 by Robert Ringer


Ben Cohen and Jerry Greenfield of Ben & Jerry’s fame created quite a stir on Independence Day when they admonished fellow countrymen to return their land to Native Americans.  The backlash was fast and furious, spurring patriots to don their MAGA hats and Trump-Rambo tee-shirts. Having said this, I must confess I’m at least somewhat […]

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Will Grandpa Grift Get a Pass?

Posted on July 5, 2023 by Robert Ringer


For years, Fox News and the legacy media have been blabbering about “the Hunter Biden investigation.”  The whole thing has been an insult to the intelligence of the average American.  Investigating Hunter’s tax evasion problems should have taken a few months, at most, not five years.  And investigating his lying on a government firearm form […]

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Will Perpetual Indulgence Prevail?

Posted on July 1, 2023 by Robert Ringer


Kobe Bryant was on his way to a successful second career in film when fate stepped in and abruptly ended his life with a horrific helicopter crash that also took the life of his daughter and seven other people.  Even for those of us who never watch NBA games, it was a sad day. I […]

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Open Message to the Gang of 20

Posted on June 22, 2023 by Robert Ringer


You promised voters that if they would just elect you, you would fight Democrats at every turn … that you would not be intimidated … that you would take no prisoners … that you would help clean house at the FBI and DOJ.  Every word you spoke exuded sincerity, and millions of voters believed you […]

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Decisions Have Consequences

Posted on June 19, 2023 by Robert Ringer


I’ve long been fascinated by how a single bad decision can have a major negative impact on a person’s life.  A wrong decision can also negatively impact a company’s balance sheet (think Ford’s Edsel, Bud Light’s embrace of Dylan Mulvaney, and Coca-Cola’s decision to ditch its classic recipe and rebrand itself the “New Coke” in […]

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Our Vanishing Justice System

Posted on June 12, 2023 by Robert Ringer


The bogus criminal charges against Donald Trump reminds us once again that we now live in a police state.  Not a figurative police state, but an actual one.  FBI Whistleblower Garret O’Boyle made that clear when he told Congress, “The government will crush you and your family if you try to expose the truth about […]

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Election Update — June 2, 2023

Posted on June 2, 2023 by Robert Ringer


For all practical purposed, Donald Trump has the Republican nomination locked up.  All he needs to do is conduct himself as a gracious elderly statesman or, at the very least, a civil elderly statesman, and it’s ballgame over.  That said, my concern is that he might not be able to conduct himself as a gracious […]

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Exception as a False Premise

Posted on May 30, 2023 by Robert Ringer

Scott Tim

It was interesting, but not surprising, that Tim Scott threw his hat in the Republican primary ring last week.  Scott’s career path “from cotton to Congress in one generation” is impressive, and his theme that he’s living proof leftists are lying when they claim blacks can’t make it in America is powerful. The leftwing media, […]

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Punishing the Many to Appease the Few

Posted on May 26, 2023 by Robert Ringer


First, we had Budweiser.  Then we had Foxweiser.  Now it’s Dodgerweiser and Targetweiser.   Normal people are asking, “What the hell is going on here?”  None of this makes any sense.  So why is it happening?  Why are people who have never given the word transgender a second thought suddenly jumping on board and helping to […]

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