Robert Ringer Archives

Dealing With Mass Stupidity

Posted on April 8, 2023 by Robert Ringer


The legendary German theologian Dietrich Bonhoeffer, whom the Nazis executed less than a month before the end of World War II, once offered this fascinating comparison of stupidity and malice: “Stupidity is a more dangerous enemy of the good than malice.  One may protest against evil; it can be exposed and, if need be, prevented […]

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The Jokester Dems

Posted on April 3, 2023 by Robert Ringer


I have often said that the saving grace for Republicans is that Democrats never fail to overplay their hand.  They can’t help it, it’s in their blood.  They get something akin to a carnal thrill out of seeing their enemies upset, even if they know it’s temporary. The Dems’ addiction to this kind of false […]

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A Scorched-Earth Primary?

Posted on March 27, 2023 by Robert Ringer


Prior to last weekend, I had not watched any of Donald Trump’s rallies since he left office, mainly because they were all pretty much the same.  Also, it was too painful to listen to him lash out at people who were not worthy of his acknowledgement.  That said, I decided to tune into his rally […]

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Our Rigged Game of Monopoly

Posted on March 22, 2023 by Robert Ringer


When it comes to government scams, the banking crisis is once again the topic du jour worldwide, but most of the talk surrounding it is frivolous.  Anyone with even a layman’s knowledge of finance realizes that the U.S. banking system is unsound and, technically speaking, has been unsound at least since President Nixon finished the […]

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Cherry-Picking January 6

Posted on March 14, 2023 by Robert Ringer


Even people who are basically honest lie now and then, often for no other reason than they don’t want to hurt someone’s feelings.  But in the world of politics, lying has long been an art form.  The mental dwarfs in D.C. have come a long way since George Washington admitted to his father that he […]

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Implementing the Long March

Posted on March 9, 2023 by Robert Ringer


We’ve heard a lot over the years about a possible secession of red states from America, and the idea is back in vogue with Marjorie Taylor Greene calling for a “national divorce.”  It’s a drastic measure that appeals to those who believe we’ve passed the last checkpoint for stemming the decline of the American Empire. […]

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Is Vivek Ramaswamy’s Premise Valid?

Posted on February 28, 2023 by Robert Ringer


The first time I saw Vivek Ramaswamy on television, I said to my wife, “I never heard of this guy before, but I can tell you now that he’s going to be president someday.  He needs a few years under his belt to raise his visibility, but he could be ready by as early as […]

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Twilight in America?

Posted on February 20, 2023 by Robert Ringer


As daily life in America continues to become unhinged, historians are increasingly questioning whether the once shining city upon a hill is on the verge of going the way of all great empires throughout history.  Today, even rank-and-file folks talk openly about the demise of America.  Common sense tells them that a country that allows […]

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The White Supremacy Bogeyman

Posted on February 6, 2023 by Robert Ringer


After the Michael Brown and Freddie Gray sagas, one has to be careful about jumping to conclusions whenever a young black man gets killed by police.  As you will recall, the race hustlers in those cases looked absolutely ridiculous when the facts came out.  The Michael Brown fairy tale about his being a “gentle giant” […]

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Remembering Sanity and Certitudes

Posted on January 30, 2023 by Robert Ringer


Contrary to what many people believe, the American Empire is still alive, but not well.  Sex-change mutilation of children, an unchallenged invasion of its southern border, smash-and-grab theft rings running wild, taxpayer-funded drug-injection sites, violent criminals back on the streets the same day as being arrested, politicization of the law, crackdowns on free speech, drag […]

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