Robert Ringer Archives
In case you hadn’t noticed, dignity is a rare commodity in our decadent, morally degenerate world of the new millennium. We see confirmation of this all around us in such phenomena as: Talk shows that feature tragic people emotionally and psychologically disrobing themselves in public while sharing their most intimate secrets with millions of lobotomized […]
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Following are the words of one of the greatest marketing minds of all time: “Know how to sell your wares. It is not enough that they have intrinsic merit, for everyone does not bite the substance nor look within. Most go where there is a crowd, and go because they see that others go. Also, […]
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Watching Rand Paul get hazed by the media (both on the left and the right) last week reminded me again just how hot the kitchen can be if you’re playing for big stakes. Rand comes from good stock, so he’ll get the hang of it quickly and learn how to excel at forced smiles while […]
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Perhaps the most critical element that professional cause advocates fail to factor into their crusade equations is technological advance. Not only does technology continually render perceived crises irrelevant, it also continues to raise the living standards of potential cause joiners. In our modern age of prosperity, nothing annoys crusade leaders more than the realization that […]
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With the presidential campaigns starting to heat up, bogus crusades like the war on women, income inequality, and “institutionalized” racism are heating up right along with them. Yep, balderdash as they may be, phony crusades are back in vogue with millions of folks who are naïve, uninformed, or just plain dishonest. If everyone who had […]
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In my book Million Dollar Habits I wrote at length about the dangers posed by Drain People, those who drain others of time, energy, peace of mind, and, all too often, money. Unfortunately, there are no statutes on the books outlawing the actions of Drain People. The only foolproof defense against them is to keep […]
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Longtime readers know that I have often referred to the current decadent state of Western civilization as the Age of Envy. On reflection, however, I believe it would be more appropriate to refer to it as the Age of Guilt and Envy, because guilt and envy go hand in hand; i.e., one person’s envy leads […]
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It’s always a good idea to exercise discretion when it comes to private matters, choosing both your words and actions carefully. What makes discretion so important is a little reality of life called human nature. To the extent we ignore this reality, we invite bad consequences into our lives. Perhaps the number-one rule of human […]
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Even though we’re living in an era where perhaps more college dropouts than at any other time in history are becoming obscenely wealthy, there are still those establishment folks — on both the political right and left — who ferociously cling to the old caste system whereby experts are accorded a cushy position at the […]
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Who among us does not have unpleasant experiences in his past? Being bullied in school, getting cut from an athletic team, losing a sweetheart to a rival, the premature death of a loved one, failing a licensing exam, or suffering through an ugly divorce are the kinds of painful experiences that stay with most people […]
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