Robert Ringer Archives
Volumes having been written over the years on the subject of goals, and, indeed, there’s no question that goals are important. But the more I reflect on the subject of goals, and the more I draw from my own experience and the experience of others, the more convinced I am that striving toward goals is […]
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I will never forget when I first heard that Google had adopted “Don’t be evil” as its motto. My first thought was: Spare me the self-righteousness, please. My second thought was that such a holier-than-thou statement could only come from a couple of immature kids who were infected with that horrific moral disease known in […]
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Heroes are people who accomplish extraordinary feats under extraordinarily difficult circumstances, such as the firefighters who marched into the World Trade Center towers on 9/11 in an attempt to save lives while everyone else was scurrying to get out. But there’s another kind of hero — one who makes a living accomplishing extraordinary feats under […]
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With the United States on the verge of civil war, all half-way informed people realize that there are bad times on the horizon. I was writing about the probability of a runaway inflation and subsequent collapse of the foundations of Western civilization clear back in the late seventies, and I was far from alone in […]
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Among the thousands of letters and e-mails I’ve received over the years, many of them have asked about how to deal with hopelessness. It’s tough to give concrete advice on this subject, for two reasons. First, everyone’s situation is different and, second, it’s impossible for me to know more than a small number of facts […]
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To my surprise, on Fox News’ “Outnumbered,” the usually thoughtful Kennedy said about President Trump’s reaction to the Charlottesville violence, “If he had said the right words, we wouldn’t be talking about this.” Sorry, Kennedy, but you’re wrong. No matter what Trump would have said, the left, as well as the FNM and establishment sewer […]
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Cognitive science is the study of the brain mechanisms responsible for an individual’s thoughts, moods, decisions, and actions. Cognition refers to everything that takes place in an individual’s brain that helps him understand the world around him. To accomplish such an understanding involves mental processes such as concentration, memory, conceptualization, creativity, and emotions. In his […]
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In my recent article titled “The Better What?” I speculated that the Dirty Dems are almost certainly going to be overwhelmingly defeated in the 2018 midterms. However, I added the caveat that the only two things that can prevent a Republican landslide victory is too much Donald Trump chaos or the anti-Trump Republicans in Congress […]
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While everyone is caught up in nonexistent Russian collusion, high-level government leaks to the media, and palace intrigue, I thought it would be a good time give you some relief and focus on something longer term but much more substantive — the need to repeal the 26th Amendment, which gives 18 year old children the […]
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I cannot tell you how excited I was when Cryin’ Chuck and Granny Nancy presented the Democrats’ brand-spanking new “Better Deal” (technically titled The Better Deal). They should have called it the New Deal, Part II, because it’s the same old, tired progressive policies that have transformed the United States into a semi-socialist country (on […]
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