Robert Ringer Archives
As stupid as they may at times seem, I often wonder if the Dirty Dems will ever become rational enough to realize that the underlying theme of their message — the fundamental transformation of America — will never again get them voted into power. Too many people who were taken in by the hype that […]
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The phony fear-mongering that has gripped the country since the election of the evil Donald Trump is a reminder to keep your head while those around you are losing theirs. There’s no question that life is fraught with dangers, but most are grossly overplayed. Take flying, for example. A large percentage of the population fears […]
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The nonstop jibber-jabber coming from liberals and their media allies has become downright comical. So much so that, as I predicted would be the case, it’s splitting the Democratic Party apart. In fact, some Democrats are actually choosing to walk away from their own party. Yep, we now have the Walkaway Movement — Democrats who […]
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Even though Fox News gave him the boot, George Will’s signature trait — pretentiousness — is alive and well. In a recent column in the Washington Post titled “Vote against the GOP this November,” Will outdid himself with a whole new level of pretentiousness. One gets the distinct impression that his greatest thrill in life […]
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It’s amazing how so many incompetent people are adept at fooling interviewers. I found out the hard way that it’s dangerous to assume someone is competent just because he talks a good game. There’s many a slip between an interview and a person’s performance on the job. My own experience in this area taught me […]
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I can’t understand what took conservative pundits and politicians so long to figure out that the 2018 Blue Wave is, and always has been, a myth. I first wrote about this back on January 3rd of this year in an article titled “Spasms of a Dying Party.” Now, with everyone from Hannity to Pat Buchanan […]
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I take nothing for granted. The tragedies that monopolize our TV screens day in and day out — volcanic eruptions … gang violence … floods … school shootings … et al — constantly remind me of how blessed I am. This daily barrage of depressing news also keeps me on my toes when it comes […]
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One of the most poorly thought-out comments President Trump has made to date is when he guaranteed Kim Jong-un’s safety if a peace settlement is reached. Good intentions, no doubt, but the reality is that it’s a guarantee he can’t make good on. Here’s why: Let’s take a best-case scenario and assume a deal is […]
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A fundamental truth that I learned about desire from Harry Browne is that everyone’s desires are unlimited. That’s not to say we all have the same desires, just that we have an infinite number of desires. Some of the more common desires include wealth, power, recognition, and, at the extreme end of the desire spectrum, […]
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I recently ran into a casual acquaintance, Peter, in the lobby of a hotel where I was staying. I hadn’t seen Peter in many years and almost didn’t recognize him. After shaking hands, I asked him what he’d been up to all these years, and his response reminded me of something the great Tom Wolfe […]
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