Robert Ringer Archives
Since he first entered the Democratic primary, I’ve insisted that Joe Biden is not a serious candidate and that I doubted he would be his party’s nominee. Now, after watching him stumble his way through a nonexistent presidential campaign, I am more convinced of that than ever. Nevertheless, as a result of the hapless Democrats […]
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With President Trump’s support among African-Americans edging toward 40 percent, it’s clear that an increasing number of blacks now understand that liberty and capitalism, not big government — and certainly not socialism — are the keys to a productive and prosperous life. What has taken so long for blacks to recognize that liberty and capitalism […]
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The DNC’s four-day snoozefest gave us a pretty good preview of what to expect over the next two-and-a-half months — lying, lying, and more lying. No surprise there. Neither was the fake patriotism the shameless Dems put on display. Having spent the past several years praising China, Black Lives Matter, Planned Parenthood, and “peaceful protesters” […]
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Presumption of knowledge is an unconscious habit of the mind. In his book Confessions of an Advertising Man, legendary advertising giant David Ogilvy cautioned, “Never underestimate the reader’s lack of understanding of words you may not think to be difficult.” I would expand on Ogilvy’s thought by saying it’s a mistake to presume people know […]
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Watching American law, American history, and American culture being cancelled brings to mind a prescient insight by John Adams: “Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.” While some may challenge the “religious people” aspect of Adams’ statement, there can be no doubt he was correct about […]
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I’m rarely surprised by anything that happens in the squalid, corrupt world of politics, but I have to admit that President Trump caught me off guard with his embarrassing vaudeville act in Tulsa ten days ago. I’m not a big Trump fan, per se, but I do support most of his freedom and free-market policies. […]
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The decade of the Sixties was dominated by major riots throughout the United States, with four of the most destructive occurring in New York City (Harlem) in 1964, Los Angeles (Watts) in 1965, and Newark and Detroit in 1967. Riots usually have a flash point, and some of the most memorable ones in the Sixties […]
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With all the hysteria over COVID-19, people aren’t paying much attention to the Sleepy Joe dilemma the Dirty Dems have created for themselves. Simply speaking, it is this: Sleepy Joe, arguably the most flawed presidential candidate in U.S. history, is said to be the Democrats’ “presumptive nominee,” which represents an enormous problem for them. Why? […]
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The Japanese use the duality of honne and tatemae when referring to a person’s true feelings (reality) versus his public statements (illusion). It’s a very important aspect of Asian culture, and the Chinese use the terms inside face and outside face to mean pretty much the same thing. Experience tells us that politicians and their […]
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There are two ways to view the coronavirus epidemic, micro and macro. The micro picture is comprised of infection and death totals that have caused an enormous amount of pain and suffering. Nevertheless, sooner or later, this crisis will pass. Pain and suffering always do. The macro picture, however, is much more serious and much […]
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