The much-hyped World Economic Forum’s annual meeting in the lavish resort town of Davos, Switzerland mercifully ended last Friday, with the usual self-congratulatory schmoozing and boozing. Attendees climbed into their carbon-spewing private jets and headed back to their respective homes, leaving their high-priced hookers behind. I think it’s safe to say that most people don’t […]
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From the time Joe Biden announced his candidacy for the 2020 presidential election, I said he was not a serious candidate, and continued to say it even after he “won” the presidency. Continuing his decades of good luck, he was handed the Democrat nomination (as opposed to winning it) in order to assure that the […]
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I couldn’t bring myself to watch very much of last week’s D.C. theatrical production, but the little bit I did watch was enough to make me roll my eyes. Even though the Foxcasters tried their best to make the Republican speakership brawl sound like a life-or-death nail-biter, it’s safe to say that most viewers knew […]
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Republicans felt they were cheated out of a red wave in November just because they forgot to explain to voters why they should vote for them. Today, however, is a bright new beginning filled with eternal hope as Republicans settle in with their narrow House majority. Now the big question is, does the GOP have […]
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The latest NFL hubbub in a long series of hubbubs is over Troy Vincent’s eye-opening remark comparing the league’s draft combine to slavery. Vincent is Executive Vice President of Football Operations for the NFL, but he obviously doesn’t know much about slavery. The well-deserved blowback against Vincent’s comment was fast and furious. Obviously, men who […]
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The Democrats’ favorite new word is democracy, which they use as a euphemism for (1) getting their way on everything and (2) more and bigger government. Anything that goes against their beliefs is not only dangerous, but “a threat to democracy.” Challenging the results of an election is a threat to democracy. Not allowing censorship […]
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Now that Republicans are set to take over the House, the worn-out phrase “People need to be held accountable” is being bandied about endlessly. Pretty scary words, but what they translate into in real life is “No one is actually going to be punished for their crimes.” In an extreme case, someone might be “sanctioned,” […]
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Now that Elon Musk is moving swiftly to convert Twitter into a free-speech platform, the anti-freedom long knives are out in full force. The idea of a wisecracking centibillionaire allowing people to openly state their opinions without fear of censorship is anathema to totalitarian minds. The way they are freaking out over the release of […]
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With the holiday season rolling into high gear, the political news is even more boring than usual, so I thought I’d treat myself to some stimulation with a good dose of Thomas Sowell. I randomly picked a YouTube video about Sowell that was produced by Jason Riley of The Wall Street Journal, and it reminded […]
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The debate over last week’s red-trickle rages on, with everyone blaming everyone else for the disappointing GOP results. Glass-half-empty Republicans are both disappointed and angry over the election outcomes, while glass-half-full Republicans look at the midterms as a solid step forward in the quest to take back the country from the ghouls, criminals, and crazies […]
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