Some years ago, I had a long talk with my good friend John Pugsley, whom I believe was one of the most clear-headed thinkers of our time. One of the things John and I discussed at some length is a subject that is front and center in the minds of most entrepreneurs and businesspeople today: […]
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One of the things that fascinates me about life is my mental state when I wake up every morning. Some mornings, I feel as though I need a head massage to get my brain cells going. Other mornings, I feel a heightened state of awareness that tells me it’s going to be a great day. […]
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A while back, I received an interesting e-mail from a subscriber that read: “I am unsubscribing. I really enjoyed reading your letters, until you decided to bring your politics into it. I’m sorry, but I’m with the 70 percent of the country that disagrees with you. You are a very smart man and a gifted […]
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Have you ever entertained the thought that you are the only person on earth and that everyone else — family, friends, business associates, and total strangers — are but actors in your play of life? Perhaps I’m just weird, but this thought first struck me when I was about six or seven years old. Taking […]
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Advice: Don’t live a life of exclamation points! By that I mean a life where you are constantly pressing against everyone and everything around you. People shy away from high pressure, which is why exclamation-point people tend to be crowd busters. As with so many things in life, I suspect that most people who are […]
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What’s this world coming to? The Mexicans are attacking us from the south, and now the Indians are attacking us from … well, from halfway around the world — in their own country! Allow me to explain. The Mexicans have to come here if we want them to pick our grapes and mow our lawns […]
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When the news broke that three of the National Football League wildcard playoff games last weekend did not sell out, it got me thinking about, of all things, the connection between the NFL and the decline of the Roman Empire. The NFL is to the United States what the gladiatorial contests were to Rome, sans […]
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Do you ever yearn to discover the secrets of the big guys so you could explode your business? I’ve certainly fallen into that trap on and off over the years. And whenever I’ve managed to gain access to the “secrets” of those who appear to be above the fray, I’ll tell you what I’ve usually […]
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It’s cathartic to tell on yourself every now and then, and today I’m in a state of catharsis. As the most self-disciplined reptile living in this corner of the Milky Way Galaxy, you would think that I’ve never missed a day of exercise. If so, you’d be wrong. Alas, much as it pains me to […]
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Here we go again, another centimillionaire via the Mega Millions lottery — $173.8 million after taxes. The winner was fifty-six-year-old Ira Curry, who bought her ticket at an Atlanta newsstand. A second winner, who bought his/her ticket at a gift shop in San Jose, California, had not yet come forward as of the time this […]
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