Open Message to the Gang of 20

Posted on June 22, 2023 by Robert Ringer


You promised voters that if they would just elect you, you would fight Democrats at every turn … that you would not be intimidated … that you would take no prisoners … that you would help clean house at the FBI and DOJ.  Every word you spoke exuded sincerity, and millions of voters believed you … again.

Now, here we are, six months into a new Congressional term and you’ve been given the opportunity to prove yourself to those constituents to whom you made all those promises.  Specifically, you have an opportunity to eradicate one of the evilest, most corrupt, most despicable Democrats in Congress, none other than Adam “Shifty” Schiff.

You could not have asked for a better opportunity.  It was almost too good to be true.  Anna Paulina Luna’s resolution called for censuring Schiff and fining him $16 million for “purposely deceiving his committee, Congress, and the American people” and “using his position and access to sensitive information to instigate a fraudulently based investigation.”

Your children and grandchildren will be so proud of you for playing a role in ending this lowlife’s reign of lying and cheating by censuring him and fining him $16 million.  What a thrill it must be for you to be in a position to cast your vote to finally make him accountable for his egregious behavior.

And now that the big moment has arrived, your vote is … drum roll, pleaseNO!  That’s right, no to censuring Adam Schiff!  Congratulations for joining 19 other Republican wusses and once again letting Democrats off the hook, and in so doing giving a giant middle finger to your constituents.

Republican Thomas Massie’s argument for tabling the resolution was that it would violate the Eighth and 27th Amendments.  He later added, “If a simple majority of the House can lay claim to $16 million from one member of Congress, our Republic is doomed if Democrats ever get the majority back.”  I have news for you Congressman Massie:  Our republic is already doomed, because we have a one-party political system.  When everyone is on the same side, neither a democracy nor a republic is possible.

I’m feeling charitable today, so I’m going to let Rep. Massie and his Gang of 20 pals in on a little secret:  Democrats aren’t going to reward you for tabling the motion to censure and fine Shifty $16 million.  On the contrary, they will take your idea and use it against you and your fellow Republicans at the earliest possible opportunity.  And when it comes time for a vote to censure a Republican and fine him millions of dollars, rest assured Democrats will vote in lockstep with a resounding yes.  To Democrats, amendments to the Constitution, and the Constitution itself, are irrelevant.

Caving on the Shifty resolution comes on the heels of Republicans once again giving in to Democrats on the debt-ceiling debate.  It’s a debate that is purposely made difficult to understand, but the bottom line is that Democrats can continue to spend money unabated and run up the national debt to their heart’s content.

To rub salt in the wound, sleazeball Hunter is now off the hook for tax evasion and lying on a federal gun application.  As to his creepy dad, his massive, multiyear classified documents heist is being ignored.  And, of course, the most blatant case of influence peddling in American history is being laughed away as “malarkey.”  All this while an ex-president, who also happens to be the leading candidate for president in the 2024 election, is being hammered with criminal prosecutions by Democrat law enforcers throughout the country.

BTW, while we’re musing, does anyone happen to know why Cristopher Wray has not been arrested by the House sergeant at arms for refusing to cooperate with Congress?  Or why James Comer hasn’t subpoenaed Hunter Biden?  Or why Republicans have not tried to bring the fired Ukranian prosecutor to the United States to testify before Congress?  The list is as long as Merrick Garland’s nose.

Mark Levin is right:  Republican attorneys general throughout the country need to get creative and take a page from the Democrat AGs’ playbook.  Forget about impeachments.  An impeachment is nothing more than a diversion that gives politicians the opportunity to showcase their thespian skills to the nation, all the while knowing that the person being impeached can never be convicted in the Senate.  Worse, even if he were convicted, there’s no jail time.

That being the case, focus on prosecutions.  Don’t impeach Alejandro Mayorkas; prosecute him.  Don’t impeach Christopher Wray; prosecute him.  Don’t impeach Merrick Garland; prosecute him.  And for goodness sakes, don’t impeach Joe Biden.  Prosecute him the moment he leaves office — no matter how senile or how ill he may be.

It’s remarkable that after all these years of having Lucy pull the football out from under them, there’s never a shortage of wobbly Republicans anxious to vote with Democrats in the hopes they will be spared vilification by their “friends across the aisle.”  Enough!  Those Satanic dregs across the aisle are not your friends.  They hate you and everything you believe in.  Their goal is not to defeat you.  Their goal is to destroy you — and in the most painful way possible.  Got that?

Or am I being too subtle?

Wall Street legend warns 'A strange day is coming'
Robert Ringer

Robert Ringer is an American icon whose unique insights into life have helped millions of readers worldwide. He is also the author of two New York Times #1 bestselling books, both of which have been listed by The New York Times among the 15 best-selling motivational books of all time.