I’ve written a number of times about the sad ending of my love affair with Glenn Beck, the most talented person ever to grace a television screen. Today, I find him to be such a turnoff that I’m tempted to mute him when he occasionally appears as a second-rate guest on someone’s show. Beck’s fall […]
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I almost never watch Chris Wallace’s Fox News Sunday, but I made an exception last weekend because I wanted to see his interview with Ben Carson. Carson, as always, was great. But I made the mistake of not turning the TV off after the interview ended. In a moment of uncontrolled masochism, I started watching […]
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Once again, a scholar with impressive credentials is broadcasting the gloomy notion that Americans face a job-poor future. The insufficient-jobs scenario appeared in George Mason University economist Tyler Cowen’s book “Average Is Over” a couple of years ago. It resurfaced again recently in the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review. Vivek Wadhwa, “a fellow … director of research … […]
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Megyn Kelly is razor sharp, impeccably prepared, relentless, tough, verbally skilled, and, to boot, a pretty good looker. She’s also an egomaniacal smart-aleck who seems intent on following Glenn Beck down the path to mediocre celebrity status. When Kelly is on her game and acts like a broadcast professional, there’s no one better. She’s at […]
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After Bill O’Reilly’s childish bloviating for a week about his upcoming interview with Barack Obama on Super Bowl Sunday, guaranteeing viewers that he was going to ask questions that were different from any Obama has ever before heard and that the questions would be cast in such a way as to leave no wiggle room […]
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I promised to keep reminding you of the dangers to your health, wealth, and happiness if you allow yourself to fall into the trap of accepting a priori arguments as a basis for your actions. As I explained in my book Action! Nothing Happens Until Something Moves, the a priori argument is one of the […]
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Too bad it wasn’t mandatory for every American to watch the segment 60 Minutes recently did on David Walker, Comptroller General of the United States. Walker heads up the Government Accountability Office, or GAO, which acts on behalf of taxpayers to assure a nonpartisan, honest assessment of government operations — especially government spending. Walker bluntly […]
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If being a contrarian is conducive to success, you can learn something valuable from the Politically Correct Dark Ages that has all but swallowed the remnants of Western civilization. It used to be that everyone knew there were just a handful of subjects that you simply avoided and opinions that were best kept to yourself. […]
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Just when you find yourself agreeing with Bill O’Reilly on a few issues, he blows it by getting on his populist soapbox and sounding like he’s addressing a protest rally in front of the Lincoln Memorial. When he starts ranting about oil companies being guilty of “price gouging,” “profiteering,” and “windfall profits,” he comes across […]
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The “don’t be evil” mantra that Google founders Larry Page and Sergey Brin have long used as an obvious poke in Bill Gates’ eye is looking just a bit suspect of late. By going along with the Chinese government’s insistence on censoring Google in China, the search-engine prodigies suddenly look remarkably the same as every […]
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