Robert Ringer Archives

Whom to Believe?

Posted on September 30, 2014 by Robert Ringer

rr podium

It’s amazing how often we automatically assume that someone’s words represent set-in-stone fact. Nothing amazes me more than when someone says, “I know that for a fact,” then, when pressed for his source of information, says that Freddie Fibber told him so. Of course, just because someone tells you something that turns out to be […]

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The Wisdom of Charles Koch

Posted on September 18, 2014 by Robert Ringer


Here’s a great excerpt from a book I’m reading that I think you’ll want to pay close attention to: This brief company history may leave the impression that our experience has been one of ever-improving results, with one success after another, each building on the one before. Nothing could be further from the truth. Progress, […]

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The Glorification of Sports Thuggery

Posted on September 16, 2014 by Robert Ringer

ray rice

The uproar over the Ray Rice domestic-abuse incident cries out for a truthful, politically incorrect article, so I decided to volunteer for the job. Rice’s Ali-like left jab to his then-fiancée’s kisser is but a blip on the crime screen of the hoodlum-saturated National Football League. Stuff like this, and worse — much worse — […]

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Turning Losses Into Gains

Posted on September 11, 2014 by Robert Ringer

taj mahal

Sometimes it’s difficult to muster up the positive mental attitude to see opportunity in a bad situation. Things get so out of hand that it’s easy to become discouraged to the point of feeling despair. Those are the times when your mettle and sinew are really put to the test — sometimes very long tests. […]

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Chaos Theory and You

Posted on September 4, 2014 by Robert Ringer


Oversimplified, chaos theory is about the underlying chaos that exists in seemingly orderly systems. The so-called butterfly effect comes into play here, because a small change in initial conditions can dramatically change the long-term behavior of a “system.” A system, of course, can be just about anything — the weather, a mathematical formula, a sporting […]

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What They Don’t Teach You At Any School

Posted on September 2, 2014 by Robert Ringer

One of the saddest things about our education system is that children are under enormous pressure to give answers that are safely within the boundaries of conventional wisdom. Unfortunately, the fear of being wrong is constantly reinforced and carries into adulthood. I feel I was fortunate in this respect, because I apparently inherited a penchant […]

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Throwaway People

Posted on August 28, 2014 by Robert Ringer

old woman walking

A couple of weeks ago, my wife and I had an appointment in Arlington, Virginia.  As we were walking toward our destination, we noticed a thin, elderly lady standing near the street corner.  She was exceptionally well-groomed and dressed in a colorful, neatly pressed outfit. Leaning on her cane, she was looking around in what […]

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Your Search for Truth

Posted on August 26, 2014 by Robert Ringer


Human beings have debated the ultimate purpose of life throughout recorded history.  If one wanted to participate in this debate, he could make a persuasive argument that the ultimate purpose of life is to search for truth. I say search rather than find, because to find truth in the broadest sense of the word would […]

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The Melody of Life

Posted on August 21, 2014 by Robert Ringer


Amidst all the insanity and meaningless chatter that overwhelms us each day, every so often the Conscious Universal Power Source cuts us a break and hooks us up to nature’s Sanity Support System. We have little control over when such soothing, awareness-elevating interventions will take place, how often they will occur, or what their components […]

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Battling Boredom and Depression

Posted on August 19, 2014 by Robert Ringer


More people die of suicide each year than in car accidents, yet there remains something of a taboo when it comes to broaching the subject.  In that respect, the one good thing that has come from the tragic death of Robin Williams is that it has once again put the public spotlight on depression and […]

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