I had fully intended to watch …

Posted on October 23, 2015 by Robert Ringer


I had fully intended to watch at least an hour of the so-called Benghazi hearings, with Hillary, the Face of Evil, as the featured guest. I tried … I really tried … but I just couldn’t make it past ten minutes. I don’t handle nausea too well.

Like the bogus Democratic debate, it immediately became clear that this “hearing” was going to be nothing more than a pep rally for the Face of Evil. When Trey Gowdy assured Hillary that the investigation was not about her, she appeared to be so giddy with relief that I thought she might pee her pants.

As soon as she got the green light, the Face of Evil pulled out a self-serving campaign-style speech that her speechwriters had obviously crafted with great care, then read it not only to those in attendance, but to a television audience of millions. In other words, taxpayers paid a fortune in free television advertising for the Face of Evil to mask herself as a heroine.

Then, just as the hearing attendees were getting ready to take their lunch break, I turned the TV on again to see if the Face of Evil was still being allowed to skate her way through the hearing, or if someone — anyone — had the courage to challenge her. To my pleasant surprise, both Trey Gowdy and Congressman Jim Jordan were pounding her with a tsunami of irrefutable evidence that she has told endless lies about Benghazi.

And the more they pounded her, the more the Face of Evil had trouble keeping her mask in place. But regardless of how trapped she gets, or how bad she looks, I’m still skeptical that any serious repercussions will ever come back to haunt her. I hope I’m wrong, but … we’ll see.

Why don’t we all stop tiptoeing and playing make-nice games, and just put the unvarnished truth out there: The Face of Evil is a professional criminal and accomplished liar, and all but those who live in Watters’ World are well aware of it.

Fortunately for the Clinton crime family, however, it doesn’t matter to roughly half the population — those who want to see her bring about America’s final demise.

And, of course, many of the same Republicans who are working night and day to bring down Donald Trump (and, for that matter, Ben Carson) see the Face of Evil as an accomplished and experienced stateswoman. The last thing in the world they would want to do is offend her.

But let’s keep all this in perspective. The real war is not Republicans against Hillary. The real war that will soon determine America’s fate is the one between Constitutional, small-government, anti-establishment Republicans and don’t-rock-the-boat, establishment Republicans. Perhaps the latter group is the real Face of Evil.

Robert Ringer

Robert Ringer is an American icon whose unique insights into life have helped millions of readers worldwide. He is also the author of two New York Times #1 bestselling books, both of which have been listed by The New York Times among the 15 best-selling motivational books of all time.