The infamous Debra Lafave’s case is kind of unusual because the prosecutor dropped charges against her for “allegedly” having sex with a fourteen-year-old student. The reason, we are told, is that the boy (now sixteen) didn’t want to testify. To parody the cunning words of that sly old fox Paul Van Der Sloot: No witness, […]
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Though every death is equally important and painful to the deceased person’s family, perhaps the most difficult death for the average person to comprehend is that of Dana Reeve, who died on March 6. Not only was she young (forty-four), she was one of a growing number of nonsmoking women who have been afflicted with […]
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A friend of mine related a different kind of sad tale to me last week. He had built an opt-in list of more than 60,000 people, which was being managed by an outside vendor. Recently, he had been having problems with the list manager, and finally told him that he had decided to bring his […]
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In my article Inferring with Caution, I discussed the dangers inherent in basing one’s premises and assumptions on a priori arguments. An a priori argument is one in which a person’s conclusion is masked as a premise. In finer circles, it has come to be known as an argument that doesn’t pass the kosher test. […]
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March 1, 2006 was a sad day for the cause of liberty. Sad because a true ethical giant of our time, Harry Browne, passed away. Browne was the Libertarian Party candidate in the 1996 and 2000 presidential elections. His calm, logical way of expressing libertarian beliefs earned him the respect of many big-name interviewers on […]
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In his book Before the Sabbath, Eric Hoffer offered his usual fascinating insights into what he referred to as a priori logic (the logic upon which a priori arguments are based). Among other things, Hoffer wrote: “A priori logic assumes that people will be happier when they have more. The logic of events shows that […]
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Like the real estate brokerage business, the form of the stock market continues to change. But the human factors that drive the market — such as greed, self-delusion, and emotion — remain the same from century to century. One of the most dramatic changes in form is scheduled to be finalized about the time you’ll […]
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Dr. Andrew Weil is back with another bestseller — Healthy Aging. Weil has probably done more than anyone else to bring so-called conventional medicine and holistic medicine together. Before him, most doctors and the American Medical Association pretty much looked down on the notion of “alternative” approaches to medicine. Time magazine recently did an excerpt […]
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I’ve had a surprising number of people tell me over the years that they don’t carry an American Express card, because there are too many businesses that won’t accept it. The reason, of course, is that Amex charges retail establishments an average fee of 2.5 percent of the total purchase for the privilege of accepting […]
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Following are some words that Andy Rooney says cause him to toss envelopes in the wastebasket without opening them: Important. Rooney says that if an envelope contains the word important, you can be sure it isn’t. Urgent. Not! Do Not Discard. Intimidating ploy. Open Immediately. This tells you that you need not be in a […]
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