I never cease to be amazed by the uncertainties of life. Americans have been cruising along for years, enjoying the nonexistent economic recovery, rooting for their favorite thug teams, and piling evermore vacations, cars, and all kinds of frivolous and discretionary goodies onto their credit card balances. But times they are a-changin’ — beheadings in […]
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Years ago, I dined with a surgeon friend who ordered a meal that was a favorite from his childhood. I was curious as I watched him dig into his fat-laden meal. Finally, I had to ask him, “How can you — a medical doctor — eat food that you know is unhealthy for you?” Almost […]
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Throughout much of my life, I paid little attention to the miracles that surrounded me. I was too busy thinking about business and money … too busy being annoyed by annoying people … too busy being too busy. I had no time to think about the realworld — the one that actually matters. Nature and […]
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Some years ago, while on a nationwide seminar tour, I happened to be staying overnight in Houston. After a particularly tiring, stressful day, I made an appointment for a massage at the health spa in the hotel where I was staying. By the time my appointment rolled around, I was in a pretty gruff mood […]
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When I used to drive my son to school, one particular roadside advertisement always caught my attention. In it, a mother was tending a tray of burnt cookies, with the caption “You don’t have to be Perfect to Be a Perfect Parent.” I often pondered the meaning of the ad and sensed that the message […]
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In the Preface to Stephen M.R. Covey’s book The Speed of Trust, his father, Stephen R. Covey (of Seven Habits fame), stated: “My interactions with business leaders around the world have made it increasingly evident that ‘speed to market’ is now the ultimate competitive weapon.” Just think about that for a moment — the ultimate […]
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It’s amazing how often we automatically assume that someone’s words represent set-in-stone fact. Nothing amazes me more than when someone says, “I know that for a fact,” then, when pressed for his source of information, says that Freddie Fibber told him so. Of course, just because someone tells you something that turns out to be […]
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I’ve always loved this time of year. Summer winds down and the weather changes. Students go back to school, and spiritual and cultural events take place all over the world to welcome fall. One of those events is the Days of Awe — a time for introspection and conscious gratitude for the miracles we take […]
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Here’s a great excerpt from a book I’m reading that I think you’ll want to pay close attention to: This brief company history may leave the impression that our experience has been one of ever-improving results, with one success after another, each building on the one before. Nothing could be further from the truth. Progress, […]
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The uproar over the Ray Rice domestic-abuse incident cries out for a truthful, politically incorrect article, so I decided to volunteer for the job. Rice’s Ali-like left jab to his then-fiancée’s kisser is but a blip on the crime screen of the hoodlum-saturated National Football League. Stuff like this, and worse — much worse — […]
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