Motivational speakers and authors have long insisted that it’s possible to exert a great deal of control over your destiny by maintaining a positive mental attitude. Even though problems are an integral part of life, they believe that the key to success is how you react to those problems. So, are they right? Or is […]
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With the stock market at an all-time high, a bonanza of cheap gasoline, and unemployment at 5.8 percent, there is increased optimism about the U.S. economy. Yet challenges abound, both from the inside and abroad. Participation in the labor force remains at the lowest levels since the late 1970s, with over 6 million less people […]
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When I was about twenty years old, I excelled at two things: naiveté and gullibility. It never occurred to me that making money had anything to do with creating value in the marketplace, so it was quite natural for me to gravitate toward gambling. I loved horse racing, and went through a period where I […]
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A friend recently told me that he never worries about negative input from others because he has such a positive outlook on life that he doesn’t believe negative talk has any effect on him. Maybe so, but in my view it’s still a good idea to avoid negative people, particularly those who are critical of […]
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Having watched the DVD version of the three Atlas Shrugged movies, I think of how effective communication is such an important aspect of selling. Selling, in this case, not just a product or service, but a philosophy. The film adaptation of Ayn Rand’s famed magnum opus (apologies to those who consider that to be The Fountainhead) is […]
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The facts notwithstanding, I believe that a majority of people unthinkingly delude themselves about their mortality — meaning that they act as though they believe they are immortal. Of course, they don’t consciously admit it, at least not to others. I’ve known more than one person who acted as though he believed he will be […]
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Today is Muhammad Ali’s seventy-third birthday, and it’s yet another reminder that it’s more important to be loyal to your principles than to be popular. Truth and popularity, in fact, are all too often at odds with one another. In comparing his own life to that of Socrates in his book The Consolations of Philosophy, […]
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As America’s experiment with socialism continues to crumble (notwithstanding the lies that are fed to us daily by the media), more and more people are coming to realize that entrepreneurship was the driving force behind America’s widespread prosperity — prosperity that few people could have imagined as recent as the mid-20th century. Entrepreneurship embodies the […]
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An acquaintance of mine recently told me how depressing he thought it was that so many famous people passed away in 2014 — Robin Williams … Joe Cocker … Tony Gwynn … James Garner … Mickey Rooney … Shirley Temple … Joan Rivers … to name but a few. No question about it, when someone […]
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Considering the headline of his fabled full-page ad, it’s no wonder the late and legendary Joe Karbo was able to sell millions of copies of his self-published little paperback book The Lazy Man’s Way to Riches. The headline I’m referring to is: MOST PEOPLE ARE TOO BUSY EARNING A LIVING TO MAKE ANY MONEY. What’s […]
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