For most of my life, I was a strong believer in conventional psychology, which is based on the teachings of Sigmund Freud. Conventional psychology focuses on finding the psychological roots of an individual’s problems. The idea is that once a person’s past traumas are brought to the surface and dissected, he is able to change […]
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Some time ago, I spoke at a wealth-building convention in Florida. About ten days before leaving, I contacted my publisher and told the head of the company that it would be a good idea to contact Barnes & Noble and have them sell copies of my new book at the event. He agreed and said […]
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“Now it’s just an oligarchy, with unlimited political bribery being the essence of getting the nominations for president or to elect the president. And the same thing applies to governors, and U.S. senators and congress members.” — Former President Jimmy Carter Op-Ed by Nick Bernabe (ANTIMEDIA) Denver, CO — The 2016 election has been a […]
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Today is the 69th anniversary of Jackie Robinson’s first game with the Brooklyn Dodgers, which ended a long and shameful era in American history. In case you missed it on television, I would urge you to go online and watch PBS’s two-part series on the life of Jackie Robinson. Watching his remarkable story brought a […]
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Now that Ted Cruz has closed the gap between Donald Trump and himself, a lot of Trump supporters are starting to show signs of exasperation. Even Ann Coulter said, “I am a little testy with our man right now.” Regarding Trump’s retweet of Heidi Cruz’s unflattering picture, Coulter added, “This is the worst thing he’s […]
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Now that the Republican debates are mercifully behind us, the media has their work cut out for them. They’re going to have to work doubly hard at their specialty — creating news out of thin air. There’s no question that they are very good at their craft, but it’s going to be an increasingly difficult […]
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The Republican Party appears to be thrashing about like a wild beast in the final stages of its death throes. For those of us who are repulsed by politicians, political parties, and the odious political process, it’s quite entertaining to watch. (Before proceeding, it’s important to point out that what people think of as the […]
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Last week, I posted on Facebook some of my thoughts about Mitt Romney’s vile attack on Donald Trump. Had the impeccably manicured Mitt been half as harsh with Barack Obama in the 2012 presidential campaign, he probably would be preparing for a second term right now. But, unfortunately, he lacked either the principle or courage, […]
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I’ve written about Glenn Beck’s painful demise many times over the years, even giving my readers an early heads-up that his days at Fox News were numbered. “Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned,” wrote 16th century playwright William Congreve. And he was right, because when it comes to Beck, I feel like a […]
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Overconfidence is a killer. Arrogance is worse. People love humility and hate arrogance, yet arrogance has been on the rise at Fox News for years. What’s really sad is that one gets the impression that neither Sir Roger nor King Rupert have a clue. When I first discovered Fox News back in the late nineties, […]
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