Robert Ringer Archives

A Wisdom-Filled Self-Eulogy

Posted on March 7, 2007 by Robert Ringer

Harry Browne, the Libertarian Party candidate for president in 1996 and 2000, passed away on March 1, 2006.  Harry may have possessed the most remarkable intellect of our time.  He had an uncanny knack for making profound points in ways that anyone could understand. I recall Harry appearing on talk shows a couple of times […]

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The Occupation of Outrageousness

Posted on February 12, 2007 by Robert Ringer

Before the sensationalism-crazed public could fully absorb The Tale of Three Astronauts, Anna Nicole Smith stole the headlines with her tragic death. To be honest, I didn’t even know who Anna Nicole Smith was until a few years ago when I happened to see a story about her legal battle over the estate of her […]

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Celebrating Our Commonality

Posted on December 25, 2006 by Robert Ringer

christmas hannukkah

This being December 25, I thought it would be appropriate to pen a few words about Christmas.  For starters, Christmas is a good time to put aside our diversities and celebrate what we have in common with one another.  More than 80 percent of Americans are Christians, while Jews comprise slightly more than 2 percent. […]

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Knowledge Redeployment

Posted on December 14, 2006 by Robert Ringer

My first love is learning, which is why I keep my brain on autopilot when it comes to absorbing everything around me and extracting lessons from what I see and hear.  It borders on an addiction. Extracting knowledge, however, is not enough.  You must be able to apply what you’ve learned to other situations, including […]

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Permission Granted

Posted on December 9, 2006 by Robert Ringer

In my recent Path to Power teleseminar series, I made it clear from the outset that I was not talking about power over others. My focus was on self-empowerment — a.k.a. personal power. But there are people who do aspire to have power over others. And there’s not a person on this earth who hasn’t […]

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Learning from Saddam

Posted on November 7, 2006 by Robert Ringer

I’ve always thought I’d be a much smarter tyrant than Saddam Hussein.  Now I’m sure of it.  When I watched him sitting in court, waiting to be sentenced to death, I have to admit I was thinking, “I told you so.” Ever since the U.S. invaded Iraq to save the Kuwaitis, pundits have labeled Saddam […]

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Doing It Yanni’s Way

Posted on November 1, 2006 by Robert Ringer

I recently saw an interview with the legendary Yanni (Yiannis Chrysomallis), a giant in the entertainment industry.  It was another reminder of the efficacy of going against conventional wisdom. Yanni had no formal training and, as a result, could not even read music.  Nevertheless, he became a world-famous composer by developing a sort of musical […]

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Defying Historic Patterns

Posted on September 7, 2006 by Robert Ringer

Life is filled with paradoxes. Example:  You spend decades learning the rules of the game.  Then, just about the time you’ve managed to accumulate some meaningful wisdom, the game ends. Example:  Children are one of the greatest joys known to mankind.  But raising children takes more time and effort, and brings more grief, than perhaps […]

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The Pricing Question

Posted on July 10, 2006 by Robert Ringer

Today, while looking through some old boxes, I happened across a newspaper clipping titled “Common Mistakes that Cause Business Failure.”  Judging from its condition, I would guess it’s been in the box for at least 35 years. The list includes 17 items, most of which I agree with.  But one that I’m not so sure […]

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A More Productive Use for Bill Gates’ Charity

Posted on April 26, 2006 by Robert Ringer

The “don’t be evil” mantra that Google founders Larry Page and Sergey Brin have long used as an obvious poke in Bill Gates’ eye is looking just a bit suspect of late.  By going along with the Chinese government’s insistence on censoring Google in China, the search-engine prodigies suddenly look remarkably the same as every […]

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