Pounding the Facts

Posted on August 27, 2024 by Robert Ringer


“I’m serious.”  “I’m not joking.”  “I’m not kidding.”  “That’s not hyperbole.”  “Not a joke.”  “I mean it.”  “It’s a fact.”  “I’m not lying.”

Who in the world talks like this?  As it turns out, a lot more people than just the late Joe Biden.  It’s a condition similar to Tourette’s Syndrome, in that the afflicted person cannot control his urge to convince people he isn’t lying, even though he knows he is.  People who suffer from this hideous malady are known as sociopaths, something I wrote about in my 2022 article titled “Storyteller Joe, Sociopath Extraordinaire.”

I realize that Democrats put cadaver Joe on stage near midnight at the Democratic National Convention to keep as many people as possible from seeing him expose their massive coverup of his condition, but those who did see him must have been scratching their heads in wonderment.  Everyone knows that Biden has always been dumb and has been suffering from dementia for at least several years, but in his farewell speech at the DNC he took it to a whole new level and sounded like a lunatic ranting and raving in a padded cell.

It was a stark reminder that everything Democrats do is fake.  Without blinking an eye, they tell you the border is secure.  They tell you they’ve created millions of new jobs.  They tell you crime is down under their watch.  They’re not afraid of being exposed, because they know the media will cover for them.  After all, voters bought into the Barack Obama con.  They bought into the Joe Biden con.  And now they’re asking you to buy into the biggest con of all, accepting IQ-challenged Kamala as a fresh new face who exudes joy rather than someone who has been “the last person in the room” for almost four years.

Will it work?  Maybe, depending upon several factors.  As you know, Democrat cheating is always first on my list, but setting that aside, the next biggest factor is Donald Trump’s worst enemy, whose name happens to be Donald J. Trump.  If Trump focuses on the facts, which are virtually all in his favor, he should win easily.  If he spends a lot of time on braggadocio (“I’m the ratings machine,” “Many people think I’m the greatest president since George Washington,” “I’m very smart,” et al) and lashing out at everyone who attacks him, particularly those who are beneath him, he will probably lose.

Trump has a very high intellect and a tremendous grasp of the facts, which should make him feel secure, so no chest pounding is necessary, and for the most famous person in the world to take swipes at inconsequential people is beneath his stature.  Instead, he would do well to heed Ayn Rand’s favorite Nietzsche quote: “It is not my function to be a fly swatter.”  Why waste energy on pesky little people who nobody listens to anyway?  I’m concerned that with the addition of rabble-rouser Corey Lewandowsky to the Trump team, we may see more of this unproductive activity rather than less.

There’s an old adage among lawyers that says, “If you have the facts on your side, pound the facts; if you have the law on your side, pound the law; if you have neither the facts nor the law, pound the table.”  When Trump pounds the facts, he’s awesome.  When he pounds the table, it’s a gift to Democrats.  He becomes a real-life version of Gulliver being tormented by the Lilliputians, the tiniest people on earth who also happened to be the most vain and smug.  Today’s Democrats are the Lilliputians of our time; their accomplishments are small and harmful to everyday Americans, but their vanity and smugness are off the charts.

I’m not suggesting that Donald Trump shouldn’t expose Kamala; he should.  But he could elevate his game considerably by doing it with panache.  JD Vance understands this.  He has pleasantly surprised me with his ability to fight the enemy with style and class, which is why Democrats hate him so much.  If he runs in 2028, they will be even more hysterical in trying to stop him than they have been with Trump.

The addition of RFK to the MAGA movement could be a huge step in the right direction if the Trump team uses him wisely.  RFK doesn’t pound the table; he pounds the facts, which is why Democrats so fear him.  He is not a conservative and, by his own admission, he does not agree with Trump on every issue.  However, the one thing he does agree with him on is that Democrats are the biggest threat to democracy, notwithstanding their laughable claims that they are the guardians of democracy.  Let RFK explain how Democrats blocked him from running against Biden and Harris, because he’s someone who has actually been a victim of their authoritarian antics.

It’s time for the Trump team to get serious about the rapidly approaching election.  They are up against the weakest candidate of my lifetime, bar none, and they can’t afford to blow this layup.  While I’m hopeful Donald Trump will humiliate Kamala in the September 10 debate (if it actually happens), I’m concerned she will be given the questions in advance and will have her answers down pat.  Alert the media:  Democrats cheat!  Ditto with any phony press conferences the Kamala puppeteers may agree to.

Since the legacy media is working feverishly to protect know-nothing Kamala from scrutiny, Donald Trump’s most certain path to victory is to pound the facts, because all the facts are on his side.  This is a strategy that will force the Dems’ latest Potemkin candidate to talk, and the more she talks, the more voters will reject her.

Robert Ringer

Robert Ringer is an American icon whose unique insights into life have helped millions of readers worldwide. He is also the author of two New York Times #1 bestselling books, both of which have been listed by The New York Times among the 15 best-selling motivational books of all time.