So many wannabes manage to grab their fifteen minutes of fame, only to quickly (and mercifully) disappear from the public eye. But not so with San Diego Surfer-Dude (real name Jason Greenslate) who, thanks to the desperate-for-content news media, seems determined to stay in the public eye for as long as the welfare state is […]
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Tony Dungy has always fascinated me, so I’m looking forward to reading his new book, Uncommon Marriage: Learning about Lasting Love and Overcoming Life’s Obstacles. As you are probably aware, Dungy gained national attention when he became the first African-American coach to win a Super Bowl — in 2007, with the Indianapolis Colts. Rarely does […]
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The day Robert J. Ringer, Jr. was born was one of those handful of joyous times that stay with you all your life. Millions of men would like to have a son, but, for one reason or another, it didn’t happen for them. That’s why I consider myself to be extraordinarily blessed, because I ended […]
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Some years ago, a guy by the name of Stephen Wilkinson thought he had won a $102,000 jackpot on a twenty-five-cent Wheel of Fortune at a Philadelphia Park Casino slot machine. “Not so fast, Stevo baby,” said the casino’s management, who insisted it was all a big mistake — a “communication error.” The casino explained […]
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When I was a teenager, one of my good friends was Gary Nathan. Gary was one of those kids who was the target of the school’s taunters and teasers. Even nice guys threw barbs at him, but he took it all in a good-natured way. I probably teased Gary myself on occasion … I honestly […]
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I’ve had an emotional attachment to Sylvester Stallone and his Rocky films since 1977. It all began when one of my secretaries told me she had seen a movie over the weekend that was a “must see” for me. She went on to say that Sylvester Stallone’s success with his first Rocky film closely paralleled […]
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I often find myself writing articles on influence and persuasion. It’s usually after seeing someone do something that brings them the very opposite of the result they desire. I’ll watch them arguing, pleading, begging or screaming, and then finally walking away in anger and frustration. “Why do these things always happen to me?” they seem […]
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Isn’t is remarkable that vote-hungry politicians continue their never-ending extensions of unemployment benefits, even though these benefits, like minimum-wage laws, actually cause unemployment? The fact is that when many people say they can’t find a job, what they really mean is they can’t find the job they want, at the wage they want, under the […]
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A reader (“John”) recently asked me a number of questions that I’ve been asked many times before, in one form or another: I’ve read your book Looking Out For #1 and the part that particularly catches my eye is where you were down to the point of living out of a Ryder truck. … I’d […]
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After Bill O’Reilly’s childish bloviating for a week about his upcoming interview with Barack Obama on Super Bowl Sunday, guaranteeing viewers that he was going to ask questions that were different from any Obama has ever before heard and that the questions would be cast in such a way as to leave no wiggle room […]
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