Enough With the Border Czar Silliness!

Posted on July 30, 2024 by Robert Ringer


Attention Republicans:  Stop trying to prove Kamala was anointed border czar in 2021.  Yes, of course she was, but it doesn’t matter.  Kamala’s official title was, and is, vice president of the United States, so she’s jointly responsible, along with Joe Biden, not only for the border crisis, but for the near-destruction of America via rampant inflation, violent crime, DEI insanity, and adding trillions of dollars to the national debt, among other atrocities.

When you say Kamala has been the border czar, it’s easy for her and her fellow Democrats to lie, because there is no official position called “border czar.”  But when you say she has been, and is, the vice president of the most failed administration of the past half century, she is obliged to defend the administration’s record, because “vice president” is a title she can’t deny.

Let’s get real and understand that everything about Kamala is a lie, and has been a lie ever since she got up off Willie Brown’s couch and used it as a springboard to get one cushy job after another without any notable achievements and without being vetted.  She is a much better puppet than crooked Joe, because she not only does what she’s told, she does it with enthusiasm.  Voters sense she is devoid of both knowledge and morals, and they find her to be obnoxious and cringey.

Kamala is a reminder to all of us that today’s Democrats are not your everyday liars and cheaters; they are vicious liars and cheaters.  Take no prisoners is not just a hollow motto with them.  They mean it.  No lie or dishonest action is off the table if it helps move them closer to their totalitarian goals, and they have no qualms about destroying anyone who gets in their way.

Unfortunately, Republicans have a difficult time combatting a nefarious creature like Kamala, because they are guided by their normalcy biases and insist on treating Democrats as normal human beings, which they are not. Today’s Democrats are immoral barbarians, the Bolsheviks and Jacobins of our time who are intent on destroying the rule of law, the Constitution, the Supreme Court, the nuclear family, and everything else that is good and righteous about Western civilization. Above all, they are demonic humanoids who believe that the ends they seek justify any means necessary, including violence.

In a recent article, Ben Shapiro, a staunch conservative with an obviously high IQ, took my breath away when he wrote, “The language of dissolution — the line that ‘if (insert candidate) wins the presidency, there will never be another election’ — must stop.  It is a lie.  It was always a lie.  Neither candidate on the ballot is Hitler.  Neither candidate wishes to end America’s elections or send his opponents to concentration camps.”

Shapiro’s words make it clear that a high IQ is not a safeguard against naiveté.  Listen up, Ben:  Democrats absolutely do want to do away with elections, a point Rush Limbaugh repeatedly emphasized over the years.  Unless Republicans come to grips with this reality and start taking aggressive action, they will never win another national election.

In a recent Rassmussen Reports/Heartland Institute poll, 62 percent of likely voters said they are concerned about cheating based on what they witnessed in the 2020 elections and their own experiences in receiving improper ballot information in the mail.  Rasmussen said that more than 5 percent of people surveyed say they are not U.S. citizens and nearly 4 percent are not sure if they are citizens or not.  That’s a total of 9 percent, which translates into nearly 14 million votes.

Eighteen percent say that in the 2020 election they received more than one official ballot in the mail or received a ballot for someone who does not live at their address.  The number of people who said they got multiple mail-in ballots in 2020 was 20 percent in the six battleground states.  Mass mailing of ballots based on outdated voter rolls, ballot harvesting, unattended drop boxes, and no-excuse mail-in voting has made it easier to vote illegally.

My fellow Americans, hear this:  Democrats are working every day to put into place the most sophisticated and massive cheating operation ever devised.  No matter how many people show up and vote for Trump, Democrats can outdo them with massive election fraud.  Keep in mind that in 2020, Donald Trump received the greatest number of votes of any incumbent president in history — 74.2 million — and still “lost.”  If you truly believe Joe Biden received more than 81 million votes in 2020, you might qualify for a job with Ben Shapiro.

I strongly advise everyone to forget the silly stuff like Kamala denying she’s the border czar and focus on the one thing that will actually determine whether or not America makes a comeback or is relegated to the dustbin of empire history:  Democrat cheating in the 2024 election.  To be forewarned is to be forearmed.

Robert Ringer

Robert Ringer is an American icon whose unique insights into life have helped millions of readers worldwide. He is also the author of two New York Times #1 bestselling books, both of which have been listed by The New York Times among the 15 best-selling motivational books of all time.