Just as the Demopublicans were clearly …

Posted on December 9, 2015 by Robert Ringer


Just as the Demopublicans were clearly shown to be wrong when they insisted that the Constitution protects so-called anchor babies, so, too, are they wrong about its being unconstitutional to “discriminate” by preventing people of a specific religion from entering the country.

By now, you’ve probably heard about the 1952 presidential proclamation giving the president the power to suspend entry into the U.S. of any persons believed to be a threat to Americans. Jimmy Carter — and we all know what a hard-core conservative he was — used it to ban thousands of Iranians from entering the United States and kick out thousands more following the Iranian Revolution. Specifically, I’m talking about U.S. Code 1182, which you can read in full on the Internet.

Not that it matters, because in today’s world the political class ignores the Constitution anyway and does as it damn well pleases.

As I said yesterday, the one good thing that will come out of this latest in a long list of blustering goofs by Trump haters is that it should put the final nail in the coffins of the time-wasting laggards at the bottom of the GOP polls. As to the media nastys like George Will, Rich Lowry, and, above all, Megyn the Malevolent, you’d hope that by this time their embarrassment would motivate them to think before they speak.

But don’t count on it. These people are not only nasty and shameless, they’re hopeless.

Of course, the most stunning dunghead of all is that annoying punk kid, little Joshua Earnest, who defends the indefensible every day for the White House. Earnest, who has never accomplished anything in his 38 years, had the audacity to proclaim that Trump is now obliged to drop out of the race — that his very sensible idea “disqualifies him from serving as president.” It doesn’t matter what voters want, the little bootlicker Joshua has decreed Trump to drop out of the race.

The only people I place lower than Earnest on the Despicability Scale are the increasingly hysterical RINOs, especially Paul Ryan. I saw Ryan weakening five years ago when I interviewed him. Like a lot of folks who come to Washington, I think he meant well when he first arrived, but virtually all well-intended newbies in the nation’s capital can’t resist the aroma of money and power.

BTW, I could be wrong about this, but weren’t there a few inconvenient truths that should have disqualified Der Fuhrbama from running for president as well? Or was that just a bad dream I had? Hmm …

Robert Ringer

Robert Ringer is an American icon whose unique insights into life have helped millions of readers worldwide. He is also the author of two New York Times #1 bestselling books, both of which have been listed by The New York Times among the 15 best-selling motivational books of all time.