A rational man, said Ayn Rand, …

Posted on December 1, 2014 by Robert Ringer


A rational man, said Ayn Rand, “never leaves his interests at the mercy of any one person or single, specific concrete. He may need clients, but not any one particular client — he may need a job, but not any one particular job.”

To hammer home Rand’s point, I would add a few more items — “He may need a mate, but not any one particular mate. He may need a deal, but not any one particular deal. He may need a home, but not any one particular home.” The ability to say “Next!” applies to all areas of life.

People often think of this as bluffing, but you’re not bluffing if you really mean what you say. Personally, I make it a point never to bluff. I’m careful about throwing out ultimatums to people, because once I do, I follow through. I hope you do as well.

Robert Ringer

Robert Ringer is an American icon whose unique insights into life have helped millions of readers worldwide. He is also the author of two New York Times #1 bestselling books, both of which have been listed by The New York Times among the 15 best-selling motivational books of all time.