Getting Everything You Want
The Magic of
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The Best of Robert Ringer, Volume I
The Best of Robert Ringer, Volume II
You have the opportunity to do something extraordinary — right now, today — something that could make the difference between just trying to get by in the difficult years ahead and making them the most profitable and fulfilling years of your life.
When I say profitable and fulfilling, I am referring to the three P’s: Purpose, Prosperity, and Peace of Mind. And all of them can be yours — in abundance — through the magic of synchronicity.
Synchronicity Breeds Speed
I have often said that the difference between success and failure is much smaller than most people might suspect. For example, a right or wrong turn in the road can sometimes be the deciding factor in a person’s life. But there are many other factors that can be responsible for that small difference as well.
Experience has taught me that one factor, in particular, plays a major role in how an individual’s life turns out. The factor I am referring to is synchronicity — achieving long-term success by integrating and harmonizing all areas of your life.
I realize that it’s theoretically possible for a person to be financially successful even though one area of his life may be in disarray. But I like to put the odds in my favor. And what I’ve discovered, through firsthand experience, is that it’s much easier to succeed when you have across-the-board synchronicity in your life.
Take, for example, a lack of self-discipline when it comes to eating — an area with which I am all too familiar. Not only did I find that being overweight made it more difficult to succeed in other areas of my life, I finally realized that I might not be around long enough to enjoy whatever success I managed to achieve.
The same is true with regard to circadian sleep rhythms. To the extent you get to bed early, sleep soundly, and rise early, it gives you a big edge over those who suffer from sleep deprivation. And, of course, the same is true of exercise.
What I’m saying here is that, based on years of empirical evidence, I am convinced that the fastest way to get from where you are now to where you want to be in life is to get all areas of your life in sync. That’s because synchronicity speeds up everything — and, as that old aphorism goes, “Money loves speed.”
Simply put, the quickest way to change one thing in your life is to change everything. And that doesn’t happen by working longer and harder at your business. It’s a result of working longer and harder on yourself. When all aspects of your life are on track, financial success follows almost automatically.
Lee Dees
President and CEO
Kendall Products
The Pushup that Wasn’t
When I was in my late twenties, I found myself at the bottom of a very deep financial ravine. If you’ve read Looking Out for #1, you already know my tale of woe: no income … no friends … no connections … no prospects … and living on a Ryder truck! Those were pretty grim times.
I haven’t been asked about those dark days for many years, but early in my career as a bestselling author, a number of television talk-show hosts inquired about my climb from the financial abyss to fame and fortune.
I vividly recall one of my appearances on The Merv Griffin Show, when Merv (who, by the way, was a great guy and a fabulous interviewer) asked me, “How in the world did you go from living on a Ryder truck to a sprawling beach-front home in Malibu?”
It was the first time I had ever publicly discussed the gory details of my miraculous turnaround, and my answer was direct. I explained to Merv that by selling off some of my furniture and other belongings that were on the truck, I was able to raise enough money to move into a little apartment.
Surprisingly, I have fond memories of that lonely little abode, because it’s where I bottomed out and turned things around. Not only was I broke, I was grossly overweight, out of shape, and had no real plan for changing things.
Then, one night, I fell asleep on the floor in front of my black-and-white television set. And when I awoke, I did something that puzzles me to this day: I tried to do a pushup … just one little pushup. It was an impulsive act, but one that turned out to be a major turning point in my life.
Notwithstanding my youth, I could not push myself up off the floor — not even once! I cannot tell you what an impact that had on my psyche. The next step, I thought to myself, was a heart attack … followed by a trip to the welfare cemetery.
To take advantage of this limited time,
money-saving opportunity:
The X Factor
With great effort, I managed to get up off the floor and onto my feet. Then, as though I were on autopilot, I walked to the bathroom, turned on the light, and looked in the mirror. To put it mildly, I did not like what I saw staring back at me. It was an epiphany for me — truly a life-changing moment.
I was immediately conscious of the fact that it was the guy in the mirror who was responsible for my predicament. There was not a question in my mind that he, and he alone, was the one who had brought me to the brink of ruin.
Sure, there were a lot of unscrupulous characters along the way who had added to my misery, but they were nothing more than enablers. The sorry soul in the mirror was the one who had always been at the controls.
I then did something that forever changed my life: I ran my right index finger over a bar of soap that was on the sink, then made an X with it on the mirror — right through my face. It was a symbolic act, meant to signify that I was striking from my life the Robert Ringer in the mirror.
That single act opened the door for the new Robert Ringer to emerge. While staring at that X on the mirror, I made a vow. It wasn’t a vow to get rich. It was a vow that I was going to change everything about my life.
I suddenly realized that the only way I could hope to change anything was to change everything. And it was the only way I could ever hope to have everything — including purpose, prosperity, and peace of mind.
To take advantage of this limited time,
money-saving opportunity:
The Synchronized Robert Ringer Emerges
From that point on, through the power of free will, the most important decision I made was to employ relentless self-discipline in everything I did. Self-discipline translates into habits … habits translate into consistency … consistency translates into speed … and speed translates into results.
Everyone experiences a certain degree of success at one time or another in his or her life. In extreme cases, it may be only for a few days. But when we use the term successful person, we usually are referring to someone who has experienced a high level of success over a long period of time.
Such a person doesn’t just do the right thing now and then. Rather, he develops habits that consistently move him in the right direction. In my case, I became an exercise fanatic, lifting weights three times a week, jogging every day, and doing 600 sit-ups each morning and a second set of 600 in the evening.
I also focused on productive thinking. I focused on creating value. I focused on efficiency. I focused on integrity. Above all, I focused on the relationship between self-discipline, habits, consistency, and speed. My epiphany moment had given me great clarity. I had a vivid picture of where I would be in a year … two years … and beyond.
And that vivid picture became a reality.
Terry Monroe
President, Chief Operating Officer
American Business Brokers
Back to the Future
Getting my life in sync paid immediate and huge dividends to me in virtually everything I did. A little over a year later, when Time magazine did a two-page feature story about me, my sister called and asked, “How does it feel to see your picture in Time magazine?”
Without giving it a conscious thought, I answered, “In all honesty, I don’t have much feeling about it at all. I’ve pictured it in my mind for so long that it wasn’t really a surprise to me.”
Don’t get me wrong. I felt really good about the publicity, but it was like being caught in a time warp. For me, it had already happened a long time ago because I had been envisioning it for so long. It all started with that soapy X I had drawn on the mirror.
Not long after the Time article, while sitting in the host’s chair on The Tonight Show and playfully blowing cigar smoke in McLean Stevenson’s face, I experienced the exact same feeling. As the audience roared with laughter, I felt as though I had already been there. I was completely at home sitting in Johnny Carson’s chair … no nervousness whatsoever.
Now, here’s the most important point I want to share with you: If my focus had just been on making a lot of money, I don’t think any of these incredible things would have happened to me. I believe they were a result of my working on getting all areas of my life in sync.
As I said, the quickest way to change one thing is to change everything. There is absolutely no doubt in my mind that my success was a result of bringing synchronicity to my life.
The Joy of Teaching
Neil Diamond once said that “the stage, she is the damnedest lady you ever did see.” With those words, it was clear that he was referring to the exhilaration he gets from being in front of an audience and bringing people to their feet.
I can relate to Diamond’s words. The money that comes from being a bestselling author is great, no doubt about it. But I have always said that I define my success by how many people I’ve touched. That’s why every one of the thousands of letters and emails I’ve received over the years is important to me.
Please understand that I’m not talking about altruism here. You might say that I’m talking about rational selfishness. It makes me feel good to know that I’ve played a major role in helping others succeed. It’s a high that’s hard to explain. It is confirmation that my purpose in life is worthwhile and that my efforts produce value in the marketplace.
I don’t claim to be a miracle worker. What I am is part writer, part entrepreneur, part philosopher, and, above all, part teacher. Teaching, which has been my main occupation for more than three decades, is the one thing I enjoy above all others.
And one of the reasons I enjoy teaching so much is because when I teach others, I learn a lot myself. Learning is, in fact, one of the great bonuses to teaching. The more you teach, the more you learn.
I’m still amazed at how often my own teachings catalyze new ideas that impact my life in some positive way — sometimes in major ways. And even when teaching doesn’t bring about new ideas, just the repetition of teaching reinforces in my own mind the principles, concepts, and techniques that I share with others.
J. “Lucky” Hilderman
To take advantage of this limited time,
money-saving opportunity:
Where do you want to be a year from now?
Take, for example, one of the three P’s — prosperity. Through my teachings, I am constantly reminded that the key to great wealth lies in the nurturing of intangible assets — meaning assets that cannot be taken from you. In other words, assets that make you immune to the state of the economy and other external factors. During bad economic times, this kind of immunity is critical.
First and foremost in this regard is your mind-set. Before you can become prosperous, you have to make the decision to become prosperous. And a prosperous mind-set can be developed. I know, because I did it.
I’m not talking about corny, positive mental attitude stuff here. What I’m referring to is a totally realistic, sober view of the world, an understanding of human nature, and a solid grasp of reality.
Which brings me to The Magic of Synchronicity, a three-hour audio series I’ve created that focuses on the “magic” that comes from living a synchronized life.
The objective of The Magic of Synchronicity is to pull together the most important insights, strategies, and techniques that I myself live by — insights, strategies, and techniques that lead to purpose, prosperity, and peace of mind — and teach you how and why they all fit together to bring about tangible results.
Regardless of whether you’re on a negative or positive roll right now, and regardless of the state of the economy, I truly believe that, through The Magic of Synchronicity, you can get everything you want in life.
As I said, I’m not a miracle worker, so I can’t wave a magic wand and get results for you. But if you listen to The Magic of Synchronicity with an open mind and a willingness to learn, I can promise you that I’ll do the rest. Specifically, I will teach you everything I know about the amazing power of synchronicity, and I’m confident that it will have a major and lasting impact on your life.
Are you ready to take
the next step?
If so, you’re just three hours away from learning how to get everything you want in life. All it requires is that you take action now.
Every session of this series is packed with ideas, strategies, and techniques that have worked spectacularly well for Robert Ringer over the years, through both good times and bad, in both strong and weak economies.
So, the question is: Are you ready to embrace the magic of synchronicity and get all areas of your life operating in harmony?
If so, you can start elevating yourself to a whole new level of success by setting aside just three hours to let Robert Ringer teach you how to take a huge step toward increased purpose, prosperity, and peace of mind.
- Discount price: A full $122 off …
The regular price of The Magic of Synchronicity is $219. But if you place your order today, the cost to you is only $97. That’s a savings of $122 — 55% off the regular price.
- Downloadable MP3 audio files: Three full hours …
Three full hours of Robert Ringer’s wisdom-filled, downloadable audio series, The Magic of Synchronicity. Via special links, you will be able to listen to these audio files over and over again — and even download them onto your own computer or iPod.
- Free transcript: All three calls …
You will also receive PDF transcripts of all three sessions immediately downloadable to your own computer, which will make it possible for you to read and reread Robert Ringer’s invaluable insights and strategies for achieving a synchronized life. And, of course, you can always print out hard copies if you so desire.
Plus: The most valuable FREE bonus we’ve ever offered …
The Best of Robert Ringer, Volumes I & II
The combined printed compendiums and audio CD versions of The Best of Robert Ringer, Volumes I & II sell for $258 — but the downloadable versions are yours FREE if you order The Magic of Synchronicity through this limited-time offer.
This massive collection of wisdom-packed, knowledge-filled material — every word written and recorded by Robert Ringer — is truly life-changing.
Place your order now for
Robert Ringer’s life-changing program
The Magic of
400 pages and 10 full hours of
downloadable recordings included in
The Best of Robert Ringer, Volume I
The Best of Robert Ringer, Volume II
Sample comments from the millions of entrepreneurs, salespeople, small business owners, and executives worldwide who have elevated their game to a whole new level of success by tapping into Robert Ringer’s life-changing wisdom.
“God, you’re GOOD!!! Thank you again and always for your precise and insightful comments. … Without trying to “sound corny,” YOU ARE A NATIONAL TREASURE!”
“Lucky” Hilderman
“I have benefited from your extensive knowledge for at least 20 years. Just wanted to take a moment and thank you so much for all you do for so many. You are a gift to us, and thankful and appreciative am I for having learned from you for so long.”
Dennis Antoine
“God has now blessed me with your wisdom on a daily basis. I am so glad you are on the net and speaking the truth every day. With gratitude, yours forever, eager to learn and ‘think for myself’ student.”
Jill Garber
“As a marathon runner, I have had Ringer in my ears on my workouts for 30 years. He has been a guiding light for me and an inspiration. He IS a national treasure.”
Mark Adamson, M.A.
“I want to thank you, sir, for your advice, your thoughts, and your inspiration over the years. You have made a great difference in my life! … You are a great man.”
Kerry LePage
“You, sir, are a hero — by your own standards and mine. … Perhaps you should become a politician. I believe your motives are pure, and your message could give hope to the masses — and the rest of us that see your insight and wisdom.”
Charles Boyer
“[Robert Ringer] has brought much joy into the lives of the many that he has touched with his words of intellectual wisdom and rational approach to life, and this is something one can be thankful for each and every day. I can honestly say that Robert Ringer has been the most positive and motivating force in my life, and for that I am forever indebted and grateful.”
Pitch Pitchford
“I haven’t got a clue what your religious affiliation is (or if you even have one), but to my thinking you’re something of a modern prophet. You have a unique ability not only to see reality for what it is, but to communicate that view with an uncanny level of clarity, even if the message is unpleasant.”
Kevin Mercandante
“Thank you very, very much Mr. Ringer for all the years of insightful and valuable analysis that you’ve provided to the public. … Robert Ringer is a good man and an inspiration. For years he has been educating individuals. He is phenomenal. In my opinion he should be listed among the great educators of our time.”
Reality Seeker
“You’re a free spirit, honest as they come and IMHO a national treasure. Thanks a heap, and I hope you live a healthy and active life to at least 125. We need you.”
Nick Lucko
“Thank you, Mr. Ringer. We’ve always loved how you break it all down and keep it real … and make us smile a little in the process.”
Dorothy Hughes
“Joe Karbo always amazed me, but I never realized the true potential of direct-response advertising until I saw you in action. Incredible! I’m looking forward to attending one or more of your marketing seminars. Thank you for providing me with such a valuable education, and at such a low cost. On a true-value for-value basis, I am deeply in your debt.”
Mark Nolan
“Your teachings have strengthened me for decades, putting me in the driver’s seat many times, much to the surprise of [my] negotiating counterparts!”
Patricia Wulfson
“Many years ago Robert Ringer gave me the insight, and, it must be said, the courage, to live my life on my terms. Thanks Mr. Ringer.”
Greg Dail
“Through the teachings and writings of Robert, I have managed to go from broke to a seven figure income and continue to grow and prosper — and for that I thank Robert.”
Terry Monroe
“Thank you for the terrific program you put on last Saturday in New York. I expected fun, and the experience was even better than the anticipation. … While your concerns were no doubt focused on other things, you couldn’t have helped noticing this kindred spirit laughing before you finished many of your stories. … Thanks again for all your efforts. They are very much appreciated.”
Hugh J. Perlman
“Thank you so much, Mr. Robert J. Ringer. You’ve become my mentor and you have truly and profoundly enhanced my life.”
Haim Ram
“Robert, you’re a treasure few people get to enjoy in fulfilling their lives. Yes, I’m so glad your parents decided to have children.”
Annie Sunsky
“I’ve been a member of your e-letter for about five minutes, and it’s already life-changing! Thank you so much.”
Kathy Fox Walker
“All alone against incredible odds, [Robert Ringer] fought through it to survive and prosper. I followed his example and did the same. God bless you, Robert Ringer. You will always be a hero to me.”
Gary Waltrip
“Keep on leading us through the darkness!!!”
Harry Gish
“I really respect Mr. Ringer. He is an intelligent and insightful voice in a country/world where ignorance is rampant and the-man-in-the-street interviews with the ignorant masses make one weep. Keep up the good work, Robert. We need you.”
Veronica Marco
“Thank God for your clear sanity and cognitive excellence. If only you had the blessing of being able to train all of the children in our schools and the citizens of this country.”
Reginald Thatcher
“Thanks again for all that you have done to make my life more fun and successful.”
Dr. Daniel Berry
“My husband Paul and I had the pleasure of attending your seminar in San Francisco last week, and I am very pleased to say that I am already reaping the rewards of your advice. After attending many conferences and seminars, I would say that on a ‘pearls of wisdom per hour’ scale, Mastering the Possibilities is the best of the bunch! Thanks for sharing so much of yourself with us.”
Laurie Baldarelli
“Forgive me for not writing before to congratulate you on the thousands of totally accurate observations you have made in the past. … Keep on telling it like it is.”
Mark L. James
“I want to thank you SO MUCH for the hundreds of thousands of dollars I’ve made in the last twenty-five years, thanks to your advice on business, life and other such topics. … Over the years of maturation, my philosophies have been greatly shaped by you. … Robert you are the best.”
Jim Alexander
“You’ve opened my eyes to what I didn’t know I needed to know. A hole in my life has been filled with information and encouragement. … I’m so glad you’re a part of my quest for happiness/self-improvement/success/etc.”
Janet May Roberts
“My hat’s off to Robert Ringer. This guy is a radical thinker, honest, extremely cutting edge and bold… and I have been a great fan for a few decades.”
Rik Carswell, China
“I love your work Robert. A voice of honesty, clarity, and sanity. Thank you.”
Ian Brendish
“In short, you helped me put my head on straight from an early age, and that has helped me avoid many of the pitfalls that beset people. … Thank you again for helping to make this world a better place for your readers!”
Doug Dougherty
“When I was 30, you saved my life, allowing me to gain perspective on life and use intellect rather than emotion as a basis for action. Thanks, Robert, for helping preserve my sanity.”
“Why don’t we put aside our personal wisdom for just a while, and every chance we get, encourage, plead, browbeat, reason with, cajole — whatever it takes to get Ringer to declare [his] presidential candidacy and get on with messages that Americans need to hear.”
Pete DiOrio
“On the whole, all of the speakers at the boot camp were great. … but Mr. Ringer stood out like no other. … Ringer may be the only motivational speaker I have ever heard who I actually thought gave me something I could use. … [He] did not try to pump us up, though his talk certainly had that effect. Rather, he tried to leave us with an understanding of what it was going to take for us to find motivation and stay motivated.”
James Sadler
Attorney at Law
“It was so good to see you after having read all your books and admired your philosophy for so long. As I mentioned at the seminar, your work has helped to change my life. I am making much more now than I ever dreamed possible just a few short years ago. Thank you for taking the time and effort to put these together.”
Terry L. Brock
“You are a brilliant speaker — an entertaining, enlightening, sensible man who has a very vital message (or two or three!) for each of us in the audience.”
Bobby R. Moss
“Your writings have inspired and energized several generations now, and your life’s work has benefitted mankind.”
O’Loughlin, John Michael
“I enjoyed your San Francisco seminar immensely! … What a pleasant surprise to find you sparkling with the joy of life, and, if anything, MORE positive and enthusiastic than ever!”
Russell Robinson
“[Robert Ringer] … has an uncanny knack for taking complicated issues and describing them in a way that you can understand and benefit from … Even though I have been a successful entrepreneur for many years, I still appreciate the wisdom of Robert Ringer. He has made a positive influence in my life as I’m sure he has for his millions of fans.”
“Just a quick note to let you know how much I enjoyed your seminar last week. … When I got home I used my notes to give your seminar to my wife. Now we are both properly focused, and feeling much more positive about our situation.”
Jac Ttanna
“Robert Ringer … is what I call a “real world” philosopher. He is truly one of the best out there to guide and show you how to live a successful, happy life. He also has integrity and he’s honest. … Thank you, Mr. Ringer, not only for being a good teacher, but living first in order to teach.”
Mr. Super Star
“Everyone pays lip service to action, but Robert Ringer makes you see action in ways that are new and powerful. What I thought was especially remarkable though is how he explained the relationship between action and so many basic principles and problems we experience in our day-to-day lives … things like truth, creating value for others, virtues, self-discipline, and more. … It made me realize that I have to stop thinking in terms of “problems” and start focusing on taking the kind of action that will assure that things will come out right.”
John Allister
“Mr. Ringer, I truly respect your perspective on life. You have gotten me through some pretty tough times in my life, and I thank you so very much.”
Terry L. Perry
Please, friend, keep on speaking up for us, saying the things we know are true but have not yet articulated in connected prose. Your voice is a witness to the prayers of our faithful Founders.
Stevan Horning
“Mr. Ringer, you are a gem. Thank you for getting me to the starting line.”
Rais Keyes
“Thank you for your ongoing effort to introduce sanity into current affairs. … I have frequently applauded and been slightly awed by your prescience. … Thank you for the contribution you’ve made to making my life a little less troubled.”
Suzanne South
“It was nice meeting you again at N.C.M.R. I only wish other speakers were as motivating as you are.”
Eric Dotson
“Please count me as a ‘fellow traveler’ or friend, as I do you. Your powerful ideas have been a help in my finding answers and direction.”
Thomas Rumburg
“Thank you Mr. Ringer! I owe a great deal to you … for what I’ve learned over the years.”
Frank R. Nelson
“Thank you for having such a positive influence on my life. … Your philosophy of reality has been helpful in my business and personal life.”
Jeff Rosner
“I consider the information I buy from your organization to be among the most valuable of all. … yours has a special ‘ring’ that makes it unique. Thank you, because what I’ve learned from reading you over the years is tremendously valuable.”
Blair Hornbuckle
“I thoroughly enjoyed your seminar in Houston. It was very well presented and gave food for thought. … You did an excellent job.”
Claudia Redden
“Thank you for being a beacon and a voice of sanity to me.”
Steve Katz
“I truly love you as a wonderful human being. Continue to be who you are, and I will continue to love your articles. God Bless.”
Roy Jones
“I just wanted to tell you how truly thankful I am for your stuff.”
Edward Dwight
“Just wanted to drop you a note to tell you that I just signed my first million-dollar deal from a single client. It would not have been possible without applying what you taught me in Fast Track to Dealmaking Fortunes and Looking Out for #1.”
Robert Smith
“I have been reading your articles now for over five years, and I never cease to be amazed at how you manage to provide so many positive solutions to issues that concern me. … You ‘hit the spot’ so often!”
Peter Goodman
“You are certainly a gifted writer, and I always enjoy your articles. I find that they normally challenge me to think in ways I haven’t before, as well reinforce how much personal responsibility we need to take for our actions.”
Edward Papp